free style Kikung or something for @bodie7

Sometimes I am wondering what to give to World. Rather I would say "What to share with worlD". Lately, I am connect with my freestyle kikung. It is not possible to share it, because it is my body. I figure out that is not about what I achieve, because it is also only my experience. What I can share is how I did it.

little background

i was mixing different explosive stuff in my mind with lots of different health exercise and it was approximately fifteen years back. I like idea of Chi and I was trying different body movement which I discover on the internet. In one point I connect two different information and try to go that road.
I was trying make one hundred days in line when I make in that day same movements. Every day you must do x times one move. Some slow move with connection to breath and mind. For me, Beginning was my version of first move from exercise Eight Pieces of Brocade. After some time I added more moves. ;)
Legend is saying: when you will achieve it, live will change

i am that legend now and I am announcing path to treasure of 100 Hive plus price of this article


First make kikung introduction post with what move you chose and how many time you will do each day. It can be any movement when you can synchronize one move with one breath in and out. And also this move must be new to you! Number of x can be from one to how many you can done in one day.
Path to treasure already start, because you are reading it.
Second, for wining this price you must in comment under that post documented each day your path. And you mus put under this post link to your kikung introduction post with information about your final date and how many times you will be make this move each day.

When you are ill or you won't do it, after you must start counting from one again. :) Do not worry, I was trying around one and half year to done that.

And please do not fool your self with trying trick the rule. You only win price and live will be the same.

And when your one hundred day come just comment your application comment here. :)

And last of all, you can doing by your self without caring about the price.

For everyone I am sanding happiness by kikung

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