CR7 Name Of An Emotion ❤️

I am a football fan. I watch the club games at night. Whenever I see a picture or video of Cristiano Ronaldo on Facebook or any other media, I watch it very carefully. As there is a video, Ronaldo went to a cafe in Madrid with his friend to have coffee, around 20/25 people come to take pictures with him while having a cup of coffee. He is smiling and taking pictures with everyone. Another video shows Ronaldo in make-up, dressed as an old man and released on a city street, where he is distracted by football. Nobody cares about Ronaldo. Only one kid agreed to play with Ronaldo! Once when the people around realized that it was actually Ronaldo, some people froze at the moment. Hundreds of such videos are on Facebook YouTube.


Picture Source: Collected

Who does not like Ronaldo? A footballer who came from a very poor and obscure town in Portugal to play at the highest level in the world's most expensive clubs. Apart from the World Cup, there is no trophy in football that he has not won. A generation has been mesmerized by the magic of football. Ronaldo has been a big ambassador of football in the last 20 years. Those of us who have been able to watch Ronaldo play are undoubtedly lucky. The next generation who will not see Ronaldo play will not understand what CR7 craze was like. As many of us don't understand what Maradona's magic was like.

This is Cristiano Ronaldo's last World Cup. Ronaldo, who used to fight among himself with sacks of money to take him to the team, now has no club. It's heartbreaking to see this GOAT go like this at the age of 37. Ronaldo's departure from the World Cup like this has made many eyes dim. At the next World Cup, Ronaldo may be seen in the audience gallery of the stadium. Like this time we saw Brazil's Ronaldo. Time changes everything, people are forced to succumb to age.

Thank you CR7, for the last two eras keeping millions of viewers like me mesmerized by the magic of football. And for inspiring thousands of children ❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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