What's on today's Menu? Trenbolone & Anabolic Steroids


This is the second edition of my series on your favorite drugs in the sports, I say "yours", but it's everyone's fav flavs, and let me tell ya, anabolic steroids, are probably the most used performance enhancing drugs in the world!

If you missed my post on Human Growth Hormone, you can catch up here:
What's on today's Menu? Human Growth Hormone !!!

Not so long ago, there were a pretty interesting podcast with Joe Rogan, his guest was Derek from "More Plates More Dates", a channel that breaks down the use of steroids, in bodybuilding and other sports:

In his example, he is talking about Jon Jones "pulsing" for Turinabol few years ago, which is an oral steroid.

At the time everyone had a good laugh about the "picogram" incident, Jeff Novitzky, the current Senior Vice President of Athlete Health and Performance for the UFC toured with Jones everywhere, to explain how Jon "Bone" Jones wasn't guilty, and was allowed to fight with these trace amount.

Jeff Novitzky looks like a nice guy

If the name Jeff Novitzky rings a bell, it's because he was involved in the hearings during the Lance Amstrong investigation, he also claims that Lance is "probably the biggest fraud and cheats in professional sports". Prior to this, he was an agent for the FDA, and the IRS, a stand up guy!

I don't think I need to give you an explanation on what steroid is, but just for the uninitiated, here is a short definition.

Anabolic Steroids


Anabolic steroids can be used as performance-enhancing drugs that increase muscle mass and decrease fat, as well as causing many undesirable effects. Some athletes, weightlifters and bodybuilders take them regularly to improve their physical performance and build up their bodies


Of course, Trenbolone acetate is one of the many anabolic steroid you can find on the market, probably one of the most currently used.

As we mentioned in our previous edition, the real science is to take "hormone inhibitors" to mask any trace amounts, it has become so evolved throughout the years, that you can call it a sport of its own, and most sports are being taken hostage by steroid usage, while denying its existence.

A documentary on that subject, with a first good half until it goes full out propaganda against Russia was the documentary Icarus:

You need to understand that most athletes, pay thousands upon thousands to get the best drugs, with the most unique compounds, practically untraceable, as doping agencies only test the drugs they have knowledge of.

Who are the most famous athletes to have been busted for steroids?

  • Marion Jones (track & field athlete)
  • Anderson Silva (MMA fighter)
  • Jose Canseco (baseball)

Of course, Jose wrote a book called "Juiced", where he claimed that most of the MLB players were on the gear, and rest assured that he is probably right!

I think it's pretty clear, that in the next 10 years, steroid use will start becoming destigmatized, probably when all the actors with "body transformations" come out clean:

Truth is, I don't really mind that actors are on the gear, they aren't hurting anyone but their own organs and lifespan, however, when it's risking the life of others in competition, it's another story.

It's maybe time for to have an open discussion, and either allow doping in sports, or create 2 leagues, for the "natty" and those enhanced.

When looking at the price of Trenbolone acetate, it's easy to understand why everyone is using it:

Trenbolone Acetate products in the price range of $60 – $100 per 10ml vial.


If you want some untraceable drug like MGF peptide that was having an incredible success during the Sochi Olympics Games, be ready to rack up to $100k for a 100ml. Dayuuuum; that's the price of success!

It's unfortunately not only pricey, it will cost you few years of your life, you always have to weight the risk reward ratio, what are you ready to do for competing with the best of the best, that are also juicing?

It's of course a weight on their conscience that they will have to live with, it's hard to understand one's motive, the pressure, the expectations, the sacrifices made.


Does it excuse cheating? Not at all, but I am trying to understand where the cheater comes from, because if it's so widely accepted across all sports, then why are we even pretending that nothing is happening?
Who are we lying to if everyone is on the secret? Are we just trying to maintain an illusion, that has been ongoing since the 80s?

Most athletes, are willing to take the risk to get busted, it's because of the constant evolution of sports, and also because everyone is doing it, so why not?
If one of your favorite fighter suddenly became better, stop gassing out in later rounds, or just had an unexplained win streak, rest assured they didn't get better out of nowhere, and it's probably the gear giving them the edge.

Thanks for reading my post, we still have other drugs of choice to go through, probably 2 or 3 more episodes on its way 😌:

  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy

  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

  • Erythropoietin (EPO)

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