Where will non-professional sports end up?

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I don't know how it is in other countries, except the USA (they are on another level), in relation to other sports and their sports transmission.

This Sunday we had a handball game that put Benfica and Porto face to face, this being one of the two classics that exist in the modality in which big football teams participate.
To my astonishment, a game like this was only broadcast on Benfica's private channel, to which you have to pay a monthly fee to access it, as you have to do to watch the Champions League on Eleven Sports.

If in football I am against clubs being able to negotiate their television contracts, either because that way they are always able to manipulate the amounts paid to other clubs, since all channels will always prefer to broadcast a big game than a midlife game table.
In the case of sports, I find this completely absurd because what ends up happening is that only the games of the big 3 are broadcast on television (on the private channels of these clubs, Porto Canal, SportingTV and BenficaTV) the other clubs if they want to have their games transmitted somewhere has to have its own initiative, and they end up creating their own YouTube channels to broadcast their games and when one of the big players plays at their home they are “obliged” to access the rights to the game, because that is the only way they can expose their brand more and its sponsors.

But since the “smaller” clubs end up creating their own channels, what is the Federation's position?

For me, the Federation's position can be classified as not being interested in this issue at all, that is, for them, it should not be important to try to publicize the modality as much as possible and with this, who knows how to get more sponsorships for the league and thus be able to implement prizes for classification at the end of the season and help the clubs to expose their sponsors even more and so, who knows, maybe manage to improve some conditions.
If normally non-professional clubs, in Portugal only the big 3 (Porto, Benfica and Sporting) are professional, have difficulties to attract new sponsors or improve conditions with sponsors, imagine what it will be like if this issue of inflation and interest rates keep for a long time.

Where do you think companies are going to start cutting costs?

In the sponsorship of these clubs, because of the cost/benefit ratio, the cost is clearly greater than the benefit. For many more, they are sponsors because they are friends of the President or else they want to help the club in the city/town/village.
But does the federation have its own YouTube channel?

Of course, it does, but the last game broadcast on that channel was more than 2 months ago, even though the channel has 11,000 subscribers.
However, it is easy to see that they dedicate the channel more to national team issues than to the championship managed by them.
Given that currently all pavilions where there is a game must have internet and that all 1st division clubs record their games, how difficult is it to form a partnership with all the clubs and broadcast the games on the channel?

In this way, people who follow handball know that by going to the channel there are games to watch, and indirectly they will bring more people to watch the games instead of going to the club channel where there are a thousand subscribers or fewer.

I honestly cannot understand the role of the Federation, “it seems” that they are only interested in their pockets and what clubs have to pay in registrations without trying to help publicize the championship.

It seems to me that the Federation needed new people who would think for the good of the sport instead of having vultures that only look at their own pockets.

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