My Handball Career 2022/2023 #25: Resume

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This time I won't talk about this week's game as the season is over.

Now it's time to think and review what happened this season.

This season was the first time that I accepted to be part of a sports project in the 3rd division, because until now I only played in the first division and in the national second division.

We started the season with a clear objective of moving up to the 2nd division.

We started the season participating in a tournament organized by us, where only teams from the 2nd division except ours were invited.
Furthermore, we managed to reach the final, where we lost by 1 goal difference.

This showed that we have the quality to be one of the candidates to move up the division.

In the first phase of the championship we had 2/3 teams disputing a qualifying place for the 2nd phase (FC Gaia B, Estrela Vigorosa and Tarouca).

FC Gaia B for having players in the A team who played in the first division and who could come and play in our championship. Estrela Vigorosa for always being a team with a lot of determination and very difficult in home games. Finally, Tarouca due to the large financial investment made in the squad.

In the first phase we managed to qualify in second place having asked for the 2 games against FC Gaia B, and we drew against Tarouca, in the remaining games we only added victories.

In the second phase we were paired with the teams that qualified from the central zone (GICA, AD Monte and Oriental).
In the initial phase of this new phase, it was easy to identify that this would be a phase between 2 teams (FC GAIA B and us) fighting for the place for the Final Phase that already guaranteed the promotion of division.

This time of year was when I had to have an operation on my nose, tonsils, and adenoids which made me out of competition for approximately 2 months.

In this phase, we ended up losing 1 game and drawing the other against FC Gaia B, which meant that we were unable to qualify for the Final Phase and were unable to move up in the division.

In short, we weren't able to reach the goal we wanted so much, and personally it was a time of ups and downs due to the break I had to undergo surgery.

Now it's time to rest, enjoy time with the family and see what awaits the next season.

Yes, this is still not where I will retire from handball as a player.

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