Handball Reflection #4: "The economic crisis in national handball - A redefinition of perspective"


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Since the economic crisis of 2008 (or even a little before that) handball, like the entire national sport or any other sector in the country, has been going through a troubled period in terms of its financial health. From the clubs to the federation itself, passing through the various associations, everyone feels it with greater or lesser intensity. Therefore, there is an urgent need to think a little about this issue in order to minimize the impact it may have on our modality.

Unfortunately, we live in a society where money has become the main "driver" of human decision making. There are few people who have the luxury of doing what they really like, who dedicate themselves body and soul to something they are really good at, who wake up every day with the desire to embrace another day of professional activity with the necessary energy. to make a difference. Passion, that force that makes us go further and forces us to constantly overcome ourselves, has taken a back seat and no longer counts for most of our choices.

However, handball still resists this phenomenon and that is the greatest asset that this sport of ours has: the passion that it awakens in all those involved who live with the sport! And it is centered on this passion that we have to look for a solution to overcome the lack of financial resources that everyone feels and thus generate more revenue.

Let's start, as a starting point, with a question we should ask ourselves:

Why is it that in countries like Germany, France, Denmark, Hungary, etc. this crisis has not been felt (or has been felt less)? What makes the "handball economy" more volatile in Portugal than in those countries? In my view, there are two main factors that justify it: PEOPLE and PASSION.

Full pavilions, thousands of fans, dozens of direct players in the games, promotion of the same, competitive games, sport transformed into a spectacle!
And show begets show! Show generates desire to repeat! Show generates desire to experience! The show generates the desire to participate and spread the word! Show generates passion! Show generates money! People pay per show even in adverse economic scenarios. And it was this, more than money, that the crisis took from us: the ability to see in each game a constant spectacle.

A victory only makes sense when shared, celebrated and celebrated.

Imagine a champions league final without fans, without noise, without emotion…after the referee's final whistle, the celebration of victory would be as depressing as defeat. But, unfortunately, this is the scenario that we see regularly every weekend: empty halls, games without referees, bare support structures, teams with few players and few coaches, unmotivated athletes.

Therefore, we are convinced that the solution to this economic crisis is mainly based on people, as well as their ability to contribute passionately and dedicatedly to the sport, spread across various bodies:

  • 1st instance: PROPULSIONERS: those who are a reference in Portuguese handball, those who have always contributed to the sport, those whose passion for handball is already rooted and who manage to transmit it to others. It is up to them to give even more of themselves. It's time to give and not ask, even if you deserve everything. They need to continue playing/teaching/treating/directing/managing/refereeing even in the face of adversity of not being remunerated as they deserve and even when they feel that they are no longer able to do so. It's not that clubs don't want to, they just can't. And when there is no money, the tendency towards mediocrity is a constant. We cannot let that happen. It is crucial that the best keep contributing in some way to the sport!

  • 2nd instance: DYNAMIZATORS: those who have the ability to publicize the sport. We need to recruit more people into handball. Athletes, parents, coaches, managers, doctors, physiotherapists, fans, etc., we need everyone without exception. It is necessary to promote the sport and awaken a passion for it: on the streets, in urban centers, in schools, in shopping centers, on the beaches, in bars, on social networks... various forms.

  • 3rd instance: SPONSORS: those who somehow contribute to the “invisible” part of the sport, in terms of logistics, transport, financial support, food, cleaning, sports equipment, etc. Every contribution is important, especially in a crisis scenario, and this support, often overlooked, is vital for the good performance of a successful structure.

  • 4th instance: REVOLUTIONATORS: those who will put new blood in the modality. New athletes who will bring family and friends with them to the pavilions, new coaches with new training methodologies and new ways of thinking about the game, new directors/managers with innovative processes and tools for the logistics of the sport, referees increasingly capable and with better training, etc.

  • 5th instance: ADVISORS: those who, at the service of the federation or associations, work daily so that the sport develops both at the level of clubs and competition. It is important that these entities communicate with each other and with the clubs, regularly, that they understand their concerns and difficulties and that they think/arrange solutions so that the clubs can optimize their work in line with the sports strategy of the federation and/or the association. in question.

We are thus facing a paradigm shift where more than a victory for our club, we need, all together, to bring a victory to the sport. Let's equip the entities with a structure based on these 5 instances of people.

People who feel the clubs, feel the sport and feel the handball. People whose reward for contributing to a cause speaks louder than a monthly salary. If everyone plays their role passionately, no longer seeing money or reputation as the only motivations to do so, we will transform this sport in urgent need of reform. We will be able to bring more people, more resources and, consequently, more funds to the sport. And this will lead to an increase in the number of professionals working for clubs and associations. We will again see young athletes, coaches and other players investing all their time in sport because they will be able to make a living from it. We will elevate Portuguese handball to a higher level than the current one and we will achieve more exciting and competitive championships, as they once were. The show back to the pavilions!

Always remember that none of us started in this sport for money. What moved us was something stronger than that. Go back to the beginnings of your initiation and remember how much every bit of your investment was worth: all the joys, friendships, trophies and memories you conquered! It will be worth it now also for a better future!

It may be that in the medium term we will be able to return to levels where our handball has already been together with all the good that has also been created in recent years. The dream is to one day be an international handball power. Is it possible even with all these adversities? We'll be here to see...

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