Lady Luck Shines Twice In One Day

Still watch this with amazement that the runaway bikes missed everyone.

The Austrian Moto GP was held today at the Red Bull Ring and it was more about luck that no one was killed or seriously injured. A crash on the third lap in race 1 followed by another on lap 9 in the second race all involved riderless motor bikes and they were scary to watch. The truth is you cannot make the sport any safer than it is and accidents will happen at some point. Today was just one of those days that everyone can be thankful that no one died and the worst injury was a bruised hip and a fractured pelvis.
If Rossi was a cat he must have used up his 9 lives already throughout his career.

Two riders collided with each other whilst doing high speed with the result that both bikes went on without them rejoining the track at the end of the straight where the track turns. Both of the runaway bikes crossed the track avoiding the riders who were unsighted. A motorbike hitting you side on at 200 mph would do some serious damage as no protective clothing would save you. I honestly don't know how Rossi escaped this as he avoided both motor bikes by literally centimetres. It looked as though some terrible accident was happening in slow motion and he must be the luckiest guy walking the planet today.Motor bikers are a different breed and I don't know how they do it.

How unlucky,but also lucky I suppose as this is a freak accident.

The first crash in the day was somewhat bizarre as a rider lost control of his bike coming out of the bend leaving it in the middle of the track. What happened next was at full speed as they were going down the straight.Talk about unlucky as Hafiz Syharin was totally unsighted and must have had the shock of his life when he saw what was in his way. He cut the bike into two showering bits of bike everywhere and somehow everyone else got past without further incident.

Hafiz remarkably walked away from this with a slight fracture to his pelvis and a bruised hip. I think that is a good result for something that could have been far worse. The protective clothing consisting of leathers and well positioned braces and padding is the only protection these lunatics have unlike other motor sports. We see how Formula One makes the drivers safe with a specialised carbon fiber cell, but what can you do for motorcyclists beyond clothing.

A majority of the races are held a the same tracks as the Formula One cars and believe that the extra safety protocols tracks have makes a huge difference. They have to have larger run off areas to help protect drivers and riders when something goes wrong. I believe this is one reason why we have seen a reduction in serious and tragic accidents.Two serious incidents in one day where everyone involved was lucky to say the least as there would be nothing anyone could have done to prevent this as this is just the nature of racing.

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