Explore the unexplored ancient sports

I was introduced to the platform by actifit. Whenever i used to complete my target, i used to see some sports token getting credited in my account. My first reaction was to go to hive engine and sell. However, as the time went by i discovered that there is altogether a different platform built on hive blockchain.
I was very happy to see so many people writing about sports. I started contributing the news items but the real twist came when my article on Kabaddi was curated by @OCD and was visible on sports community page on peakd for sometime. Thank you @cryptoandsports for the encouragement to write on sports other than big five of the sports world.

Now, i am going to write on another game which very few people in the world know.
Its a forgotten Indian ancient game called Kalari.


Kalaripayattu, also known as Kalari, is an ancient form of martial arts that holds its root in Kerala. The word Kalari literally means the practice in the arts of the battlefield.

Owing to its long-standing history, it has a distinguished place for martial artists.

Types of Kalari

Traditionally, this game includes two forms:

  • the northern style or Vadakkan Kalari,
  • and the southern style or Thekkan Kalari.
  • Over time, a new pattern has also gained recognition, called the primary method or Madhya Kalari, which aims at combing the elements of both styles.

How is it played?

Why is it popular?
It gained quick popularity because it uniquely combined defence techniques, dance, yoga and healing systems. No other form of game can offer so much in one event.
Since the art aims to build the character of the student, physical practice is not enough. The student must train the body and mind together as part of his spiritual progress.
Chinese Arts
Kalari was taken to China by the ancient Buddhist Monk Bodhidharma and hence is also considered as the predecessor of the Chinese Martial arts.
But inspite of being such an old type of sportsThe ancient art is trying to stay alive, gasping for breath in this modern era.
Hope by posting on the @sportstalksocial platform it will help to create some awareness in the sports enthusiasts.

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