I Wound up with a Wound - Just One Thing


Today’s prompt is another one of those English words that can be used as a Verb, I wound the rope around the Pole, past tense of Wind, will you wind the rope around the pole, as opposed to Wind, the wind is blowing very hard

Or it can be a Noun – Wound, the wound was quite severe and needed stitches

Because the English language is quite bizarre I will start with my story of the past week
Last week I was admitted to Hospital, for Kidney stones, now I have had Kidney stones most of my life, since my early 20’s, so it’s not really something new, about every 6 - 10 years I have a bout. This one was different and I wound up with a wound. The stone had caused a blockage and I had to have surgery to remove it and currently have a stent, the stent itself often irritates and I bleed as a result, so the wound it creates is manifested through irritation,

Just when I feel like it has settled the bleeding starts again, out of nowhere, as opposed to now here. This will be a wound that will last until such time as the stent is removed.

There are many ways that people can wind up with Kidney Stones, and the best way to avoid them is to keep drinking lots of water, which I do anyway, but I am just one of those people that is prone and this time I wound up with quite a large couple.

So last Thursday 02/06/2022 I arrived at our emergency dept. at 7am, the pain seemed different to my usual stones, by 8am I had had bloods and CAT done, by 9 it was identified that I had a blockage and needed emergency surgery, so the wait ensued. It was booked for later that day; the ED was short of Beds so I had to sit it out in the waiting room. I hadn’t eaten anything since 6pm the night before and I was no completely nil by mouth. At about 3pm in the afternoon I wound up flat on the floor, completely blacked out with my partner trying to get the attention of Hospital staff, I was blacked out for approx. 5 minutes.

This instance quickly prompted me getting a Bed and being put on a drip. We laughed at the predicament as it seems the only way you can get a bed in ED is to either Blackout, or come in with a Wound that won’t stop bleeding (I speak from experience) Anyway I wound up staying in the Hospital overnight as the surgery got cancelled and I was operated on the next day – Friday, another night in Hosp and then allowed to go home, on Saturday morning.

Sunday night I started to get the spins again, and as we always relate our experiences to the last instance of a similar experience, I was somewhat worried that I would pass out again and I wound up being taken to the Hosp again, this time by Ambulance.

I didn’t black out and was sent back home at 4.30am on Monday morning.

Back home again and now I find myself nursing the wound that seems to want to let me know it is there most of the time.

I am booked for follow up surgery in two weeks and have wound up getting my wound treated at the Local private Hosp, as the Doc books surgeries at that Hosp as well.

So all going well I will be completely back to normal, whatever that is, in a couple of weeks from now and will be taking very concerted efforts to not have to experience this again, although the prognosis is that I will most probably have similar later on , but not for a few more years.
This is my story of how I wound up with a wound that I wouldn’t wish upon anyone


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