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Beautiful Great Purple Hairstreak butterfly getting a snack

Here in the arid land of central Arizona it doesn't take long for a muddy spot on the ground to attract butterflies searching for the elusive moisture.

A damp patch of sandy soil behind my RV attracted this gorgeous Great Purple Hairstreak (Atlides halesus) for a sip of the mineral-rich moisture in the soil (probably plenty of calcium, copper and iron from the gravel I've been looking through for gold).
This species is primarily a resident of the southern latitudes but does up to the mid-Atlantic states at times. The larva feed on the mistletoe plant which is fairly common in spots around here in Prescott.
There had been quite a few small Azure butterflies around the area not long before - dainty faint blue and grays fluttering around like tiny little shadows.

Then this big colorful fellow dropped by to enjoy the moisture and give me the opportunity for some quick photos before flying off.