The owners of damp places

Hi Hive Lovers

Nature always presents something amazing, even in damp places. You just need to open your eyes a little, and you will soon find them there.

I was just about to clean up piles of old fallen leaves from several trees around my house and intended to collect them to make compost. In my opinion, that would be much better than someone burning it.

I almost never burn fallen leaves and prefer to collect them all, then pile them in a large hole in the ground behind the house. It will rot by itself, and that will make the land more fertile in time, right?

If you burn fallen leaves, you will never know that there are also several small animals whose job it is to break down the leaves so they rot, and in my opinion, if the leaves are burned, then you will kill these animals in a very sadistic way.

Fallen leaves are a favorite home for various small animals, and the small animals that I most often find behind fallen leaves are snails and earthworms; the rest are super-small animals that cannot be seen clearly.

A shy round snail

I was a bit surprised when I found this round snail. As far as I know, he should be in a stream or somewhere with standing water more often. But this snail with its round shell was behind some slightly wet leaves, and I lifted it onto a wooden branch to take some photos.

He didn't want to come out of his shell at all. I have been waiting for some time, and he won't come out of his shell house at all. He looks very shy, and as you can see in my photo, this snail with its round house is not at all curious about my presence nearby.

I can only find one snail of this type. I've dismantled all the leaves there and can't find any other snails like him at all. Its shell is exactly the size of a table tennis ball and has a very hard black covering on the bottom to protect its soft body parts inside the shell.

A fast-walking flat snail

This second snail was the largest number of snails I could find there; maybe there were around dozens of them. This snail, with its flat shell, has completely different characteristics from its first sibling above.

This flat snail is a snail that doesn't want to stay still and is always trying to move to find a place to hide behind the leaves there. Its movements are considered very fast for a snail in general.

I have picked up three of these flat snails, and you can see some of my photos look a little blurry when photographing them. That is because their movements are fast. Their antennae guide their movements to get somewhere.

A fat caterpillar

I think you also agree to call it a caterpillar because its body is segmented, ridiculous, and slithering with only 3 pairs of small legs on the back of its head. This caterpillar is not like most caterpillars, which have many legs all over their lower body.

The caterpillar that I found is the size of a fat adult's thumb and has a segmented body with fine hairs that grow sparsely all over its body, and its body feels very soft if you touch it.

With its shape like that, I think he just used the fallen leaves as cover for his house in the hollow part of the branch.

Of course, you can imagine what would happen if someone instantly set fire to fallen leaves somewhere. Every inch of the earth has amazing inhabitants, because nature is always amazing for us to pay attention to.

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