A unique and real process in a life (butterfly)

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Larvae are very unique when viewed from their posture and character, this uniqueness sometimes becomes a study to continue to be observed by humans

So that when you comb everything, there is something different from the other larvae

Camera Redmi 4X, Aceh Indonesia

The larva that you see in this post, is an embryo that will become and will be in the next position in the form of an ordinary tiger butterfly. It is a butterfly candidate that you often find in every flower or wild plant, which grows and develops in every side of life.

In accordance with the pattern of strokes on their bodies, later they will make strokes into a striped pattern on each side of the wings. So this is what marks them, in analyzing their species.

Camera Redmi 4X, Aceh Indonesia

Starting from very small oval-shaped and green eggs in large numbers, becoming the embryo of a larva that will become one of the leaf rodents, then changing from egg to larva, the supple bodies look elegant in their own circle. Although sometimes their figures look disgusted (funny) with flexible characters writhing in irregular bodies.

Small oval eggs will survive in the form of eggs for several days, in general the eggs will also experience a hatching process for 3-5 days, and even then if the temperature is normal then within the specified time. Then the figure, which is pliable and flexible, will come out in its shell with a miniature size.

Camera Redmi 4X, Aceh Indonesia

When the mother butterfly laid eggs a few days ago, the mother butterfly was very understanding and intelligent in choosing healthy and suitable leaves for consumption by her children in the form of caterpillars as moving creatures and the essence of the process is really amazing and looks great in a process with complete metamorphosis.

When you see a larva (prospective cocoon) wriggling and walking on each green leaf, of course you will see a butterfly with beautiful and amazing wings in the garden of ornamental plants and others.

Camera Redmi 4X, Aceh Indonesia

From a small size (when it just hatched) gradually the supple and flexible body grew and continued to grow as seen in this post. Within a few days or at least 2-3 days they will also become adult larvae which later they will change the rubbery body into a different form, namely, a cocoon.

Well, here the larvae only have one task, namely, to enlarge their bodies briefly with a very greedy character and continue to consume leaves significantly until the time determined by their bodies.

Camera Redmi 4X, Aceh Indonesia

The task assigned to him, and it became his own responsibility to keep his body growing and developing in the next few days. The task is very simple before changing the shape of the cocoon, which is to always become a true larva with the largest size, the larger the body, the healthier they are, so that in groups they always compete to continue to eat leaves independently, they will look very greedy in a short time, before leaving themselves they cocoon and imago.

Camera Redmi 4X, Aceh Indonesia

The journey to become a caterpillar finally ends when they are in a cocoon, but naturally they will also change a flexible body into a rigid body in a very beautiful shape. When the larva begins to leave its body structure and begins to form another body structure or enters the pupa stage, this is called a complete process.

Uniquely, when a process enters the next stage, the larvae digest their own body assisted by enzymes that are secreted by themselves. Then gradually the process of significant change has occurred.

Camera Redmi 4X, Aceh Indonesia

Although every part of the body is digested by itself, or in other terms it will change the form of the larva to the form of a cocoon, of course with the help of the body's enzymes. Then we see the uniqueness in an activity, namely the destruction of the initial body (larvae) is stopped when it reaches an important body part, that body part will also be used in the digestive process (butterfly body structure). But I myself have never seen which part of the body is left, because it is rather difficult to find out, or obtain accurate information, but some people say that, the process will leave the body part in the form of a head, because the last thing left in the digestive process is the head of the larva.

Then, what next...
Then in this process it will be discussed again when entering the next stage and of course when getting some pictures and others.

Thank you so much...

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