"Photography Adventures: Ground Wasps and Banana Stem Flies"

hello all insect lover friends! ❀

Today I want to share again my interesting experience when photographing two unique types of insects in the wild, even though I don't know for sure what type they are. This experience is truly amazing!

First photo: earth wasp today i was walking around in the back garden when i saw this very interesting insect. I carefully approached and realized that it was a ground wasp. Its slender shape and transparent wings made it so elegant. I was captivated by the contrast of the bright red on the belly. With a little patience, I managed to capture this moment with my camera. This wasp looks very focused and full of enthusiasm, as if it is carrying out its important duties among the green leaves.

Second photo: Banana stem fly My adventures don't stop there. A few steps later, in a banana grove, I found another insect that was no less interesting. This banana stem fly has a very unique appearance, with a slender body and long legs that looks like a graceful dancer. Its bright red eyes and fine antennae add to the exotic impression. I had to move very slowly so as not to disturb him and finally managed to get the perfect shot.

Observing insect life up close really opened my eyes to how complex and beautiful their world is. Every little detail, from their color to their behavior. It is a miracle that we should admire.

Hope you all enjoy this story and the photos. I'm looking forward to hearing about your experiences exploring the world of insects! πŸ¦‹πŸŒΊ

Happy photo hunting and keep protecting our nature

Enjoy and keep exploring the beauty of nature! πŸŒΏπŸ“Έ

OK hiver friends, those are some pictures that I can show to all my friends. I hope that these pictures can make you all visible and make them into beautiful pictures for us to see together. Thank you to all my friends who have supported me and encouraged me and so on. see you again in my next post.

NOTE: I first wrote the article above in Indonesian, which is my own language, then I translated it using English with the help of Goggle.

Photographyinsect image
Camera usedSmartphone
Typexiomi Redminote10 pro
lensa usedMacro
LocationAceh Sumatra.

About me

My full name is Zulfikar, many friends on the Hive Platform call me bananaklatbarat. I come from Aceh Indonesia. I was born in 2001 and now I sell in my coffee shop. Besides selling in coffee shops, I am also a full-time content creator. Photography is one of my hobbies and almost every day I look for moments to take photos. Hive Platform really helps my living needs and I am very grateful for this and grateful to my seniors and friends.

Thank you for visiting

Best regards @bananaklatbarat.


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