unique butterfly photography in corn garden..


.Hello friends hive everything.


Hi everyone, today I am back again, in the midst of all of you, who love attractive insects, on this occasion, I will show you again the type of butterfly that I found in the corn garden some time ago... apparently the corn garden is very beautiful. many kinds of insects that come, to suck the essence of the cornflower,,

the first time I entered the corn garden, I immediately saw a butterfly,, who was perched, or resting on the leaves of corn,,

the garden owner immediately said to me,, be careful not to damage my corn, and one more thing he said, be careful on the corn leaves,, there are caterpillars that are very itchy when touched with our skin,,

after hearing the warning from the garden owner, I was also careful not to damage the corn, I immediately took out my smartphone, and I immediately took some pictures of the butterfly, it turned out that this butterfly was very spoiled, as if he was posing in front of my camera ,,

while taking pictures, I smiled, seeing the behavior of the butterfly, because he was so spoiled,, after I took some pictures this butterfly immediately flew somewhere,

friends all below I have prepared some pictures of butterflies, let's see the pictures..







I took this picture using .
Camera: Real Mobile
Photography : Insects.
Photographer : @alvonsohiver.
Location : Aceh Indonesia

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