Something Fishy in Connecticut, The Documentary

This is my best effort at covering the events of December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Ct. I fully expect this to bring on the trolls like never before. Youtube will most likely either block or remove it so watch it while you can!

 After pouring through hours of archived footage, reading hundreds of articles, I put together this video to discuss my findings. What we are told about that day and what may have actually happened could be two entirely different things. I am very explicit on when I provide my opinion so as not to have it misconstrued as fact. I provide you with the "official" narrative as well as conflicting reports. It seems on that day there was a concerted effort to put together a cohesive narrative. Things were added, things were removed and ultimately the State Attorney released their report. 

 If you have never researched the events of that day, I strongly suggest you do. I learned things I never heard about when I initially researched it years ago. Always question what you are told is "truth" or "fact from an "authority". Think critically and analytically. If you realize you were wrong admit it and move on. If you find something that contradicts what you already believe, hear it out. 

Credit to "Sandy Hooked" Youtube Channel
Great videos on there to use as source material, and is currently active. I highly suggest giving them a look!

Credit to "TheRicoman 1973" Youtube Channel
Although I used archived footage from I believe his old channel, his new one has been scrubbed of content.

Credit to for his coverage of the events.
He has great footage and put himself at great risk to do what he did.

Music Credit: Royalty Free Music.
"Deepblue" and "Sad Day"

Credit to my buddy T who I won't put on the spot but who provided me with advice and guidance and even information on how to approach this subject.

Dawn Hochsprung Twitter Archived Youtube videos link for source footage hook resurrected


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