The Coolest Thing Ever!


Well Hello There Horsepower Addicts Of Hive!!

The Whackiest Things Ever!

You'll never guess what Bossman brought to the shop today!


I never even thought something like this was in existence! This is a petrol powered WAP! I've seen generators and I've seen WAP's but never in my life have I seen a "Generator Powered WAP!

It was only coincidence that Bossman had to bring it to work... To be honest I'm glad our industrial WAP gave problems because other wise I would have never even knew of this little cute thing!


A Beast In A Small Cage!

Well I didn't expect much of this thing but Bossman said that this thing is more powerfull than the electric industrial WAP which is a three phase powered WAP just so you know!

How can this tiny little thing that takes 3 liters of petrol be more powerful? Like how? That industrial WAP is three times the size of this thing?

I refuse to believe that! I really do! Well that was until I saw what this thing can do! Heck now I don't want Bossman to fix up the industrial WAP at all! I might have fallen inlove with this thing! Wildly inlove!

Isn't it cute!


Hoffmann... Of-course The Germans!

The Germans are at it again! OF-COURSE! It's only a German powered thing that would be so well designed! ONLY THE GERMANS!

This is a ingenous little thing and especially so for work out in the field or in places where there isn't any power... Okay given you'd have to have a water tank with you but still the idea is superb... Most companies would consider this an investment and it runs quite nicely!

It of-course is a little loud as you will hear in the video but I used it indoors... which is not recommended but I only used it for a brief moment!
Out there in the field this thing would be like a dream coming true!_

I think Bossman needs to get us an extra one for the shop!


Check Out The Raw Power On This Thing!

Take note this is not a how to guide, merely myself talking about the work I do and my thoughts around certain things.

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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