Finding Beauty In Machines! (Is It Just Me Or Is This Real Pretty? It's Probably Just ME!)


Well Hello There Horsepower Addicts!!

The Condition Of Some Of These Transmissions!

Heck... sometimes I wonder what makes these people eventually bring these beyond broken transmissions to us? Why not just take it to "Your guy" again?

This thing was patched up more than once and it is clear that this patching did not work! I am sometimes jaw dropped by some of the stuff we get in! Of-course we're not going to turn them away... we make good money from them!

Let's dive in on this one!


It's Whack!

Why even add silicone to a re-usable gasket?

Yeah Volkswagen ain't that nuts... most of these rubber seals that seal the sump giving access to the valve-body are re-usable! They knew these things will break and they tried minimizing the cost on repairs...

They tried but they can't compensate for idiots working on cars! To say it plain and true anyone that adds silicone to a seal is just not worth the mechanic or techie he calls himself xD! Seriously!
I bet they think they are smarter than the bloaks who designed the cars right?


Drop the suspension they said... It's real cool they said! What they didn't say was how absolutely horrific it is for the car but hey MEHHHH screw that right?


More Putty On This Than A Window!

Oh dear!.... Oh dear this is bad... this is real bad! Okay probably not as bad as the other build we received... Heck those guys welded everything together! Even the bolts to the casing!

This casing is a total waste though... We ain't ever going to re-use this! NOT EVER! This thing is going to the bin as soon as we finish the build for the client! No way are we going to even try and save this!


Making One Of Two!

Okay so the client brought his car in and wanted us to fix up his transmission... only to find out that he had the completely wrong ratio fitted into the vehicle! Another one of those backyard smartasses that thought he can make a quick buck... He probably made a quick buck whether the job was a screw up or not!

The transmission I have in front of me is the original transmission of the vehicle, so we are going to rip this one out and choose the best parts of the two... Everything except for the ratios of the gears! We WILL need to use the CORRECT ratios on the gears... but at-least we know this and they don't!


A Easy Teardown!

I'll be honest I haven't done one of these before yet so I am also figuring it out as I go... That is most likely the best thing about this job. Everyday hands me something different to chop out on! Of-course we have a trend of things that we do on bulk... Like the Ford, Nissan and Volkswagen transmissions... but every now and then we get something different and that is hella cool!

I am however loving these automatic transmissions that are actually manuals... you know it has an entire gear set and everything! However that is busy phasing out slowly over time and sooner than later we will be left with just clutch packs!

Oh this is a pretty sight ey!


Spot The Problem!

Now as far as I have it these transmissions don't have little goons inside doing the shifting!

Nada! Something broke inside this transmission and I already know what this is!!
Those goons are from the gear selector forks and I also know why that fork broke or forks broke...

Remember when I showed the putty on the casing? Well one of the retaining pins that works directly on the gear selector shafts have been puttied over as well which must mean it also got a knock from whatever this thing hit on the underside!

A big ouch! They thought a oil filter and oil change would do the trick to fix this one up!


A Few Tricks!

Now there are always a few things that you need to be careful not to break! One of those things are the oil passages! A lot of the auto transmissions have these plastic lines on the inside and breaking them can cause you one hell of a headache!


As far as I know you can't buy these separately, well at-least not in my country! If you want to replace those you have to buy a second hand from a scrapyard and I don't think my boss really wants to do that! SO I gave this my undivided attention to get it out of the way!

Slow and steady got me there!


A Beautifull Drivetrain!

Well being a techie I have a deep love for anything metal!

Just seeing these gearshafts is something... something beautifull and gorgeous!
It's a real joy tearing these down and it's an even bigger joy to put them back together! It really is!

That is if the clients wants to pay for the repairs.. when they don't it feels like it all falls apart!


The Feeling Of Pride!

Hahaha I am not even going to lie to you guys... this feels nice... I was able to tear this one down without even knowing the kinks of it at all!

Will I be able to slap it all together again.. hell yeah my guy I can do almost anything! I set my mind to!
To think that there are people that would try and build these without even knowing how to properly tear them down! That is whack! That is really whack!

Now let's give the client his quote and see what his feeling is!



Take note this is not a how to guide, merely myself talking about the work I do and my thoughts around certain things.

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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