Como hacer feliz a un mago y a un padre./How to make a wizard and a father happy.[Esp-Eng].

Hola, hola para esta gran familia de hive cuba.
Escribo estás palabras para felicitar a todos los padres de la comunidad y del hive en general y compartirles la hermosa tarde que pase con mi amigo el mago Poy a quien fui a visitar dado que ayer no pude ir.

Hello, hello to this great Hive Cuba family. I'm writing these words to congratulate all the fathers in the community and in Hive in general, and to share with you the lovely afternoon I spent with my friend, the wizard Poy, whom I went to visit since I couldn't go yesterday.

Cuando llegue me dijo su esposa que el pensó que no iría ya, me esperaba desde temprano pero me retrase un poco(lo normal en mi😅).tras conversar un rato y darnos unos cacharrazos le dije que le tenía un regalo y con un poco de ironia me respondió que sinle habia llevado un par de medias como lqs que le habia regalado su esposa el dia anterior(se le ocurren cada cosas jajaj), pero le dije que no que erq algo mágico , ya ahí su rostro comenzó a cambiar, y cuando le saque de la mochila un par de cuerdas se volvió un niño cuqndo le reglan un juguete nuevo y me dijo " tú si que sabes hacer feliz a un mago " jajaja.
( la especialidad de el es la magia con cuerdas).

When I arrived, his wife told me that he thought I wouldn’t come anymore. He had been expecting me since early, but I was a bit late (as usual 😅). After chatting for a while and having a few drinks, I told him I had a gift for him. With a bit of irony, he replied that I had brought him a pair of socks like the ones his wife had given him the day before (he comes up with the funniest things, haha). But I told him no, it was something magical. At that point, his expression began to change, and when I pulled a pair of ropes out of my backpack, he turned into a child getting a new toy and said, 'You really know how to make a wizard happy,' haha. (His specialty is rope magic).

Tras varios minutos de risa y de darle cuerda a su esposa 🤣 me dijo que la estrenaría para mí y procedió a realizarme una de sus rutinas,de la cual les comparto algunas imágenes, para que se hagan una idea.

After several minutes of laughter and teasing his wife 🤣, he told me he would debut it for me and proceeded to perform one of his routines. Here are some pictures to give you an idea.

La pesadilla del profesor

The Professor's Nightmare

El efecto consiste en que el tiene una cuerda con la que trata de ensenarme los nudos que sabe hacer pero la cuerda por más que intenta hacerle nudos se mantiene impoluta y el se esfuerza y frustra porque no puede y al final cuando se resignq que sacude la mano aparecen unos nudos mágicamente jajajaj.

The effect consists of him having a rope with which he tries to teach me the knots he knows how to make, but no matter how hard he tries to tie knots, the rope remains pristine. He struggles and gets frustrated because he can't do it, and in the end, when he resigns and shakes his hand, some knots magically appear, hahaha.

Lo más divertido fue verlo batallar con la cuerda insolente y culparme a mí por regalarle una cuerda rota que no se deja hacer nudos .

Espero les gustase y les reitero las felicitaciones a todos los padres del mundo.

The funniest part was watching him struggle with the stubborn rope and blame me for giving him a broken rope that wouldn't let him tie knots.
I hope you enjoyed it, and I once again extend my congratulations to all the fathers in the world.

PD: Ya saben, a los magos nos gusta que nos regalen cosas para hacer nuestra magia.
Haga feliz un mago, no le regalé calcetines y si lo hace dígale que son mágicos😅😂

PD: You know, we magicians love being given things to perform our magic. Make a magician happy; don't give them socks, and if you do, tell them they are magical 😅😂.

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