3speak Vs YouTube: Decentralization Vs Centralization

YouTube is the most famous video channel where we can view many contents of any kind. It was the first major platform to allow users to post their videos and content, giving monetary rewards if the number of views of their videos began to reach a certain number of views. More and more users have turned their passion into a real job.

YouTube has a clear problem especially in recent months: it censors content that it deems inappropriate with an internal regulation established by the company. So it may happen that one morning, you connect to your account and it will be blocked because it is not in line with the ideology of the company. Your work could therefore suddenly cease, without the possibility of recovering the published material.

This complaint is also affecting the crytpo sector: there are many users who complain about the closure of their channels because they deal with subjects that are inconvenient to many people. Unfortunately this is centralization.

What is the alternative?

Fortunately, technology and the introduction of the blockchain can overcome this limitation as it is based on a decentralized network where videos are not located on a single server but are stored in a shared registry. Here comes the decentralization discourse. In the HIVE blockchain we have the DApp @3speak, a sharing channel similar in structure to YouTube but decentralized, therefore without the possibility that they will close your channel.

Access is very simple, directly from your HIVE account, simply confirm your password and you can immediately start publishing and sharing your videos. If you don't have a HIVE account, you can log in via Facebook, Google, Twitter and Twitch!

As an additional incentive, if your video is good content, you will receive an upvote @3speak, in addition to receiving upvotes from users who appreciate your video. The rewards are in HIVE and you can keep them as your personal investment or sell them on exchanges in exchange for other coins or FIAT.

The guarantee that @3speak guarantees you against your videos and your work is unique on the net. In addition, you will be the first blogger to publish on blockchain, a technology that is now taking root and will be our daily bread in the future!

You can immediately register https://3speak.online/ and start sharing your content!

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