Too Good To Go - Second Experience - Dunkin Donuts


Food waste

Ever since we didn't have an income back in Holland and were depending on getting free food in the supermarket because of some bad spots on the fruit/veggies, other people's donations, or my very good trading skills when I had too many veggies and fruit but needed other things, I hate wasting food.

I admit, it still happens here, especially when I didn't think well enough about the few days that fruit stays ok to eat or when I just bought too much for our fridge/freezer to consume but I always try to think of something to process the food so that I don't have to throw it out. I think this is definitely one good thing that I learned from that period, some people live on very little money every month and I know it's possible to be very creative with just a few things.

During that year, I was creative enough to combine a dish with a few long-shelve articles and some fresh veggies or fruit quite often while now I often ignore the long-shelve items until I crave something and think "Oh shit, we still have this" lol. I realize all too well that if I focus on these items that are in the cupboard for 6 months or more, I could come up with tons of dishes and have a fresh round of food in there afterward, food for thought!

Too good to go app

I know it's available in several countries as our Dutch friend reminded us about that option last year, and I registered right away to find just a few restaurants in our area while having no car at the time. When we finally had the car, I started to keep track of the food offered a bit more and found there are quite a few good things offered, but often at times that I don't come to that area because of the heat at that time as well as traffic being horrible. Another restaurant offers food later at night around 11 PM, so I guess soon we will finally pick up something there as heat waves are making us get out later in the evening as well as get back home later than usual.

I also saw that sometimes the Carrefour supermarket and BP offer some packs of stuff, which I yet have to try.

Dunkin Donuts

It doesn't pop up too often, so I noticed, but our daughter is quite crazy about donuts so when I saw the Dunkin Donuts too good to go appear one day, I bought it for € 2,99. I bought 2 packs though because I figured it will probably be good and we will just freeze the ones we won't eat today. Buying them there is like a little treat because normally, I'd not buy them there as I find them way too expensive and they are too sweet to my liking anyway.

I have two people with a sweet tooth here at home though, so buying two packs was a treat for them. Let's see what we got.

A surprise

I had no idea if they'd only offer donuts or maybe add a coffee as I've seen that in some offers as well, but when we arrived, we received two bags filled with donuts. It was packed very well and clear we should take them home and not sit there to eat them, which I originally planned on having one there with a coffee.



The bags may seem small but we had to put them in a paper bag as the bags were annoying to hold and quite heavy.


I put them all on a big plate to check if they were the same but there were a few different ones, thankfully.


My daughter's favorite from the looks of it because she likes that pink glaze, but when she ate it there was jam inside, which she didn't love :)


This seems Dutch to me, with 'hagelslag" topping, aka chocolate sprinkles. She ate this one too, I don't know if it was nice, she likes everything with chocolate.


A Munch donut! A reminder of a project which didn't work out, sadly.


And there were a few with vanilla filling as this one above. Overall, it was a nice combination of some different donuts. When we froze the remaining 7, I forgot to check if there were more flavors and a few weeks later my boyfriend discovered one with peanut butter.

I can't say we could complain about receiving 10 donuts for under 6 euros while they normally cost above 2 euros each from what I can see online. If we see this offer again in the future while we are in the area anyway or planning to head in that direction, I probably buy it again to treat my daughter and boyfriend. I don't hate them, but I'm not a real Donut fan either, lol.

Asian food, Italian or vegetables/fruit

Next time I will aim on scoring one of the full meals from the Asian restaurant for my boyfriend, he loves that type of food. I'd also like to try the Italian offers to see if they give anything good so we know if it's worth eating there on a regular day as well or the veggies and fruit offers from the fresh markets as it forces me to get creative with what I received instead of letting it sit in the fridge for several days. The items are too good to go but not meant to store for another week so it needs processing at least in most cases.

Do you ever order anything from a similar app? Or do you have other initiatives against food waste in your area? I'd like to do something more with this in the future to pay forward what the people in Holland (complete strangers) have done at the time to help us. Maybe if we live in another area I will push this forward, for now, where we currently live, I don't see any options to do this.

Thanks for stopping by!

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