Homemade Tiramisu With Baileys - Too Good Not To Share!


Homemade Tiramisu

We really love it, I have postponed making it for years by just buying it in the supermarket because the Tiramisu from Lidl is actually quite nice. But you know, usually homemade can't be topped by a pre-made supermarket product if you put a little effort and love into it. So I tried to do so last year when we were in Budapest still. I remember that my first effort was made with coffee and a touch of Baileys as I remember correctly. From the next attempt, I left out the coffee and only added Baileys because we love it with this special touch. There are many different options to add to the dessert, everyone has their own preference of course, but this is our no1 dessert!

Mascarpone and egg whites

I bought the mascarpone a few weeks ago and forgot to make the Tiramisu and found out this weekend that I didn't have any time left as it was on the date to be consumed. So yesterday, I had to make Tiramisu. I didn't make it until late in the afternoon so we had to wait until today to try it.

A few times ago, something went wrong with the egg whites, and then I had to save the Tiramisu somehow and went online to Google for answers on how to save it. It was mentioned that you can also make it without egg whites and use whipped cream instead and this was also how I saved the Tiramisu that day, thankfully I had whipped cream in the fridge. It's so much less hassle using whipped cream that I decided to stick to that recipe so I will share that with you below.


  • 500 grams of mascarpone
  • 500 ml whipped cream
  • 160 grams of sugar
  • 30 (more or less) ladyfingers
  • Cocao
  • Baileys

The process

So I have to say the process seems quite different if you read all the recipes online, but this is how I prepped it and the Tiramisu turned out great. I'm sharing it in case you want to try it yourself:

  • Whisk the whipped cream first on low power and after a few minutes shortly on high power until it's the right consistency
  • Cool in the fridge until you need it for the next steps
  • Mix the sugar and mascarpone for several minutes until it's the right consistency
  • Use a spatula to carefully mix the whipped cream into the mascarpone mix by adding 1/3 at a time max, once fully mixed, put in the fridge until you need the mix
  • Pour some Baileys into a bowl/deep plate
  • Dip the ladyfingers in the Baileys on both sides and cover the baking tin with the ladyfingers
  • Now add a layer of the mascarpone mix on top of the ladyfingers and repeat one more time

So much Baileys, yum!

  • I always have two layers and then add the final top layer of mascarpone but you can also use a higher tin and add three layers if you prefer
  • Cover and leave in the fridge for at least 2 hours, even better if you leave it overnight

Make portions and add cocoa when serving:



If you tried this different twist on Tiramisu, let me know if you liked it!

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