How Powerful is America - USA? | Most Powerful Nations on Earth

How powerful is America? Estimate the power of the United States to make sure that the world is not even a country of the world, or on the border with which America's military base or its navy has not been erected. Outside eight hundred military centers, and after the United States, three major powers of the world, Russia, France, and Britain are the total of the three military forces all together. It addresses America's long and strong arms. The US military budget is $ 611 billion, the defense budget has seven major powers than the United States, Russia, France, Britain, Saudi Arabia, India and Germany. In today's world, the aircraft carrier is considered a great war power. The United States alone has eleven aircrafts. While Russia, China, France and the United Kingdom have no more than two airports in the world, after the United States. America's political influence is also very high in the world, as the United States has the power of the veto power in the United Nations's most powerful Body Security Council. The three major states of the world, the UN, the NATO and the World Bank can not remain without the US aid, so these three institutions live in the influence of America. The United States gives military and economic assistance in the larger part of the world, due to which it and its geographical political influence remain in scientific and research, America is at the forefront of the world. Seventy-seventh of the Universities are in the United States, Silicon Valley, where the place where technology is born, is in the U.S. state of California, it is the place where the best mind is gaining knowledge, experience or finding money from around the world. The best minds are brought here on good packages such as Facebook, Google, Apple, and Microsoft. Silicon Valley there. Economically, the US economy is the world's largest economy with the seventh trillion dollar dollar. China is the number after the United States, but the volume of Chinese economy is less than seven trillion dollars from the US. Minerally, America is rich in the world that the world's highest and best coal is found in the US land, and most of the reserves in the tenth number of oil are also available on the US ground. America makes the world's latest technology and produces the most expensive products. That's why America's profile is of the First World. While its competitors are the countries of Russia and China, their trade profile is from the Third World. The power of the United States is its successful and most ancient democracy, which has not been resolved for nearly two centuries. That's why the United States institutions overtaken themselves and became stronger. Hollywood's propaganda purveyor is considered to be a whole world in the whole world of English. America is on the best locality of the world by its geography. The sea of ​thousands of kilometers east of the sea serves strategic depth for the United States. It has America's best relations with Canada in the north. While America's relationship with Mexico in America is not so bad that its soil can be used against the United States. So short, that America is the only supporter of the world, but to sustain its supermarkets, the United States has to increase its exports continuously. To increase exports, the United States has to innovate its productivity continuously. To make this innovation, it should be the world's best mind. And if all of this continuation is reduced, a support state of America can be in danger.

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