100 years of beauty stereotypes

I love to see how the things changes in time, and now the changes are happening more and more faster so its interesting to see like the fashion and the beauty mark the time and describe the way of life.

Today I was reading a post about the "Actually perfect woman" and I wanted to search how was the perfect woman and men in the past, its very curious how the stereotypes of the perfect woman was changing practically every 10 years, I think its a little bit crazy!!

  • Who marks the stereotypes?
  • Why the women feel more pressured to follow them?

Leaving all these questions aside let's begin to see how we changed in a century!

1910 The begining of changes

  • Women

In this time the corsets werethe order of the day to mark feminine body like a looping figure-8. The idilic women should have a long neck, long and curly hair and a small waist but at the end of the first world war many men were surprised to see their wives with short hair, the women felt more liberated, they started to use more makeup and he popular protagonists of the silent cinema were they're referents of "fatal woman". This was the begining of the change of women that started to be more rebel and have more aspirations.

  • Men

The man must be a gentelman from head to toe, they had to be elegant and always good looking, the must was to wear leather gloves, a hat, coats, ties and dress pants.

1920 the flappers

  • Women

The curves disappear, statuesque height, fussy updos, and all that jazz, the beauty was looking like a "adult little girl" wit a kid body. Short hair becomes fashionable, the cult of "eternal youth" is born and this brings with it the appearance of new cosmetic products to preserve the beauty, the culture of jazz mark the style in fashion and beauty. They wore brightly colored makeup and short, straight, low-waisted dresses.


There were few changes. The elegance remained, but more relaxed way. Berets and suspenders became fashionable. Of course, the beauty was focused on the hair, always. The men with the hair most arranged were considered more handsome.

1930 Pure Glamor


Following the stock market crash, dry law and so do hemlines. The women haves more fitted siluethe they're body turned more curvy and the blonde hair was the must of that decade. The natural waist (around the belly button) comes back and there’s a hint of shoulder too. And the flat-chested look so popular in the 1920s gives way to a small bustline ikely a direct result of the new bra-cup sizing invented in this era.


Men with mustache conquered several hearts. As always elegant, with suit and hat. Certain Gangster appearance that we all can apreciate characterizes the look of the men of the 30s.

1940 Strong Women

  • Women

The angularity is the order of the day. The ideal body type still doesn’t include flexing biceps. But it does become taller, and more commanding, possibly echoing women’s expanding role in the workforce while men are on the battlefield, is the moment when the women begins to wear pants. Many of the women of the 40s did not respond to the previous beauty canons for obvious reasons: these years coincided with the terrible war. Even those to which these events have affected to a lesser extent, for example, Hollywood actresses, on that date advocated offering a more moderate image.


In this time the aviators, sailors and military conquered any girl. It was the beginning of women's love for the uniforms so all the love movies we see of this era tells us the reality of that moment.

1950 Time of pin ups


The era of New Look and pin-up, those years that gave us Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, Jayne Mansfield, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor and other beauties. The thinness did not reign, as reminiscent of the previous difficulties experienced. The canonical image of that time was based on exuberant hips, with a high chest next to a wasp waist, narrow shoulders and slender legs.


Men of rebellious spirit appeared. Everyone wanted to wear leather jackets, ride a motorcycle and name themselves rude boys. The Rock & Roll look begins to be the must fashionable and I think that it was the most drastic change for the appearance of men the suit is sexy but the biker turns to be sexiest!

1960 Full Color


The ideals of feminine beauty that prevailed in 1960 are reflected in the actress and singers of the decade with a thin and fragile figure, like Twiggy and Nancy Sinatra. Admittedly, they showed a great appearance wearing miniskirts and small dresses. It is not surprising that some women of this era went on a diet to resemble their idols. The makeup was very colorful and the hair was the protagonist that caracterices the look of the 60's.


The sensuality has come alive! A combination of childish appearance ¨forever young and wild¨, with sensual land rebel look. The figure of the Rock star was the most attractive of that moment.

**1970 Disco Star **

  • Women

In the 1970s, very thin but strong women became popular, practicing sports and dancing a lot, such as the actress Farrah Fawcett and the singer Donna Summer it was a very funny decade of our history when the disco music marked the style of fashion that was striking and bizarre.


The mustaches and the bell trousers where the in of the decade of 70's. there was two prototype of man, the muscle man and the average man and the masculine fashion was a bit strange with characteristic prints of the time. Although 10 years ago men only needed to have a pretty face, in this decade the musculature gained strength and became stronger than ever. It was the beginning of the cult of the body.

1980 Aerobic fashion


The athletic bodies also took their relevance in the 80s. At that time the total aerobics trend began. Among the icons of this recognized style, we find extravagant divas like Madonna and Grace Jones. Many wanted to copy their images. And, of course, we still remember those crazy hairstyles and looks of those times.


The hairstyles with peaks dominated the whole world. It took a more casual look, and although they deny it, they always look fashionable. You probably know more than two who wore this look.

1990 Super Models decade

  • Women

The ideal of beauty in this decade is defined by supermodels like Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer and Kate Moss. By the way, due to the immense popularity that Kate took, a cynical tendency appeared called heroin chic, that required an excessive thinness and pallid in the women.


Win the grunge and rock appearance. It was attractive to see guys with a sloppy image, but with a lot of attitude; a very peculiar and irresistible combination.

** 2000**


The healthy, toned and, of course, tanned bodies landed in the fashion world. Excessive thinness says goodby. The same happens with obesity. Many women welcomed the desire to show off an ideal abdomen that stills obsessing more than one, given that at that time clothes with low waist became fashionable.

  • Men

The metrosexual millennium arrived. David Beckham became the perfect man, everyone wanted to show off a steel abdomen, well-groomed hair, a soft skin... so the man begins to worry more about looking good.


-* Women*:

At the moment the boy of women like Kim Kardashan, Beyonce... the curved lines have returned to lead the world of fashion. The models of "non-standard" sizes are beginning to appear normally at the runways and covers of fashion magazines.


The beards have regained strength and the long hair with a tail on top also are trending now, but there are a lot of other types of fashion of men like hipsters, and the look of many men is more casual.

What do you think about stereotypes?
Its crazy to think that it changes so much for for the woman every decade and it is practically impossible to follow those canons so a lot of women and men who have low self-esteem feels bad for it.

So this is all for today!
Hope that you find it interesting and thanks for all your yesterday comments!
See you :)


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