Today in history

Nationalist chinese forces invade mainland China
In a surprise raid on the communist persons Republic of China (PRC), navy forces of the Nationalist chinese language executive on Taiwan invade the mainland and seize the city of Sungmen. In view that the U.S. Supported the attack, it resulted in even deeper tensions and animosities between the U.S. And the PRC.

In October 1949, the chief of the communist revolution in China, Mao Zedong, declared victory against the Nationalist government of China and formally based the men and womens Republic of China. Nationalist troops, politicians, and supporters fled the nation and lots of ended up on Taiwan, an island off the chinese coast. As soon as there, they declared themselves the true chinese government and were instantly recognized as such by using the us. Officials from the U.S. Refused to have some thing to do with the p.C.Government and adamantly refused to grant it diplomatic recognition.

Nationalist chinese language chief Chiang Kai-Shek bombarded the mainland with propaganda declares and pamphlets dropped from plane signaling his intention of invading the p.C.And eliminating what he known as the Soviet the weeks previous the March 18, 1950 raid, Chiang had been mainly vocal, charging that the Soviets were offering the %with military advisors and an imposing arsenal of weapons. On March 18, thousands of Nationalist troops, supported through air and sea items, attacked the coast of the PRC, capturing the city of Sungmen that lay about 200 miles south of Shanghai. The Nationalists mentioned that they killed over 2,500 communist troops. Battles between the raiding workforce and communist forces persisted for weeks, however finally the Nationalist forces have been defeated and pushed back to Taiwan.

Maybe more predominant than the army come across used to be the confrontation between the us and the PRC. Communist officers immediately charged that the us was behind the raid, and even urged that American pilots and advisors accompanied the attackers. (No proof has surfaced to aid those bills.) American officers were cautiously supportive of the Nationalist attack, though what they hoped it might accomplish beyond minor inflammation to the percentremains unknown. Just eight months later, military forces from the %and the us met on the battlefield in Korea. Despite recommendations from some officials, together with the commander of U.S. Troops Gen. Douglas MacArthur, that the USA unleash the Nationalist armies in opposition to mainland China, President Harry S. Truman refrained from this action, fearing that it will boost into World war III.

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