When does a myth become truth Pt10a - The Giants.


All throughout written history there are tales of Giants.

Is it all just fantasy, tales told to frighten children or is there more to it? Could it be that in the past Giants did in fact roam the earth, if so where did they come from and why did they disappear? What evidence if any is there to prove that Giants existed all over the world in our past?

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The story of David and Goliath from the Bibilcal book of Samuel is one of the most well known Giant stories throughout the world. People know it regardless of whether they have read the bible or not. Many people think the story serves as a metaphor for describing an underdog situation where a contest is won by a smaller, weaker person outsmarting or outclassing a much bigger and stronger opponent and I guess that's what the story has become in modern times. If the story is true was Goliath a giant in the true sense?

In this post I'm going to take a look at the Goliath story and his alleged heritage and then see what accounts if any there are of giant skeletons, artifacts and other clues regarding ancient Giants from around the world.
In the next post we'll go around the world and look at some of the well known and less well known Giant mythologies, there are many.

When does a myth become truth?


The Giants

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According to the text of Samuel in the Dead Sea scrolls, the 1st century historian Josephus and the 4th century Septuagint manuscripts, Goliaths height was 'four cubits and a span' (6ft 9 in or 2.06m). However the Masoretic Text gives his height as 'six cubits and a span' (9ft 9in or 2.97m). Source

Various other translations have Goliath's height ranging between 9ft 4in to over 10ft. Now that may not sound 'giant like' however a man of 10ft squaring up to a boy of say 5ft 5in would indeed be a giant. Now I'm aware that most of you are aware of Goliath so I don't want to spend too much time on him however before we move on I would like to quickly discuss his alleged heritage.

From Faithlife blog......

Goliath was a descendant of the Nephilim—the offspring of the “sons of God” and their human wives. The Israelites failed to wipe out the Anakites—a subset of the Nephilim—in their conquest of the Promised Land, and so the Anakites survived in Gath and its surrounding cities, eventually becoming what we know as the Philistines.

So Goliath was a decendant of the Nephilim.

But who were the Nephilim?

Genesis 6:1-4 states.....

When people began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that they were fair; and they took wives for themselves of all that they chose. Then the Lord said, “My spirit shall not abide in mortals forever, for they are flesh; their days shall be one hundred twenty years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them. These were the heroes that were of old, warriors of renown.


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So basically the Nephilim were the offspring of the 'Sons of God' and human females. The sons of God being the fabled 'fallen angels' or 'fallen ones'. I'm not really sure what to think of this without getting into the Ancient Alien theory regarding the fallen angels and that perspective is a post for another day.

I personally have never subscribed to any organised religion however I have always been interested in and have read the holy books from an historical perspective, the reason being I believe that the Bible, Torah, Qu'ran, Ramayana and others contain many historical truths that have convieniently been catagorised as myth by western academia as they are fantastical stories that don't conform to Darwinism or mainstream teachings.

This post isn't about religion although you will see religious texts quoted, the reason being that so much of our oldest written 'history' are religious texts. That however does not mean they are not historical records, in fact for many of faith that's exactly what they are!

I was speaking to a friend recently on this very subject and he said "If Giants were real we'd have found the skeletons by now." Can't really argue with that logic however he's assuming no giant skeletons have been found. I know there are none on display in museums around the world even though there are accounts of giant skeletons being found throughout history, so if giant skeletons have been found where are they? Why are they not featured in museum collections?

Below is an interesting graphic I stumbled upon during the research for this post. Take a look at the dates of some of the alleged discoveries. If giant skeletons were found in 1456, 1577, 1613 and the 1950's where are they now? Hidden in museum basements, private collections or in the hands of religious organisations? Maybe they were destroyed because they were contrary to the historical narrative of the time of their discovery.


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There are many photographs our there on the Internet most I suspect are faked that purport to be of genuine giant skeleton finds. Some are very intriguing and some are utter bollocks! I'm not going to focus on the fakes as that gives credence to those who would try to misdirect those looking to seek the truth.

This one however falls into the first category., intriguing.

This photo of a 9ft Native American mummy found in California in 1895 comes from this article. from sott.net.

The article is essentially suggesting that there has been an academic cover up by the Smithsonian in regards to North American Giants. It's quite long so I suggest you click the link and read it in full as I'm only using extracts from it....

During the past few years a huge controversy has emerged accusing the Smithsonian (and a host of skeptics and archaeologists) of covering up the discovery of hundreds of giant skeletons from Native American Indian mounds. Jim Vieira is one of the key people who began uncovering hundreds of newspaper accounts of giant skeletons after he became intrigued by his visits to stone chambers found primarily in northeastern states. To date, Vieira has pulled together about 1,500 accounts from newspapers and books published in the 1800s and early 1900s.

The newspaper stories relate that the skeletons ranged in size from 7 feet to well over 18 feet in length. Vieira began issuing the reports, one at a time, every day on a popular Facebook page called Your Daily Giant. Vieira was subsequently attacked by skeptical bloggers. One of the skeptics, Jason Colavito, related that the giant reports came from misidentified mastodon/mammoth bones to outright hoaxes. However, Colavito didn't cite a single example of a hoax or a giant skeleton found in America that turned out to be a mastodon or mammoth. Colavito also wrote that modern paleopathology textbooks could explain other reports because repeated freezing and thawing of buried bones would expand bones "enough to turn a slightly average body into a gigantic one."

What a crock! If that were the case there would be graveyards full of giant skeletons the world over in areas that are subject freezing temperatures in winter. Besides this ludicrous theory is debunked later in the article as this process would actually cause shrinkage as opposed to expansion.

Unlike the skeptics, we did find some hoaxes in the reports and detailed a few important ones in the book. Most notable of these was the "Tampa, Florida Giants" reported in newspapers in 1922-1927. It was a very intriguing hoax involving a land speculator, the Smithsonian, and newspapers. We also found that many other reports seemed to simply vanish as they were followed. This means that they were typically second or third hand stories where someone told someone that someone told them that some men digging somewhere found some large skeletons. The trail of this type of story essentially ended at the initial publication, which was often in a local history book compiled from various residents' recollections.
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We also found that many internet sites and some books touting the giant skeletons apparently added sentences and "facts" to the original source. Many "giant" skeleton pictures reported on the internet and in some books are not correctly cited. For example, pictures of a supposed giant skeleton excavated at Serpent Mound wasn't excavated at Serpent Mound and the "giant" was a picture from a normal-sized skeleton excavated at Chillicothe. Many other stories were intriguing and had paths to multiple sources, but they were not sufficient in terms of what we might call proof. However, the fact is that a substantial proportion of the old reports of large or "giant" skeletons were written factually and are backed up by the archaeological evidence. At the same time, it became clear that modern archaeologists and some skeptical bloggers essentially loathe this fact so much that they go to great lengths to execrate those who take the topic seriously.

The press were happy to report on the discoveries!


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Its a constant disappointment to me to see academic institutions trying to cover up evidence of our past as it doesn't fit the narrative in the history books, archeology is detective work, you're supposed to follow the evidence however strange and go where it leads you don't decide on a narrative and discount any evidence that doesn't fit your preconceived idea.

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The Smithsonian is mentioned as having recieved said skeletons in a number of newspaper articles throughout the period at the end of the 19th century into the early 20th century, where are these skeletons now?


One intriguing set of giant skeleton reports we found factual was the Chickasawba Mound (Arkansas) reports of many large skeletons found at the site. We visited the site and met with archaeologists at the nearby state Archaeology Field Station. An archaeological publication we found before going to the site (and one they also handed us as we arrived at the station - the same report) related that many skeletons ranging from 8 to 9 feet in length had been found there. As late as 1976 a 7-foot-tall skeleton was found at the site.

Skeptics have related that the disorder gigantism probably was the cause of many reports, but they actually cite no evidence for this assertion. It is a weak attempt to explain away and dismiss the issue. Gigantism is exceedingly rare, so rare that there is no actual incidence statistic for it. America has less than 100 cases of gigantism recoded in its history. In fact, the overwhelmingly vast majority of tall people today, those reaching or approaching 7 feet, do not have the disorder of gigantism. The actual percentage of modern humans who reach 7 feet in height is 0.000007%. In the ancient world of America's Mound Builders, the percentage of the population that reached 7 feet in height would have been even lower.

There are also a host of Native American legends that were reported to ethnologists detailing a race of giants who invaded the regions where mounds are found. These giants became the leaders and priests of the tribes. Over time these ruling people, chosen through heredity, became corrupted and the masses rose against them and exterminated them. It is a rather intriguing aspect to this topic.


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Intriguing is right! Hereditary ruling classes becoming corrupt, where have we heard that before? It's all around us right now with the aristocrats and political families that currently run our world.

I'm going to return to the USA in the next post and get into the most famous Giant story to have ever come out there, it is truly fascinating.

Moving on.....

So if evidence of Giant skeletons is being covered up what other evidence could there be that Giants did in fact exist, did they leave their mark? Did they construct anything? Let's take a look...

Lets start with those who left their mark...

This article from express.co.uk reports on giant footprints.
The images are from the article.

A FOOTPRINT which conspiracy theorists believes belonged to a giant has been discovered in China, sparking claims that huge humans once walked the Earth.

The human-like footprint was discovered in Gizhou, the southwestern province of China, in August last year.

The marks, found by photographers during a trek through the region, is nearly two foot long – measuring an astonishing 22 inches (57cm) long and eight inches (20cm) wide.

Complete with toe imprints, the indent is 3cms deep, suggesting whatever caused the footprint was extremely heavy.

A rough way to estimate someone’s height by foot size is to find the length of the foot and times it by seven.

So, a 57cm foot print would belong to someone who is a staggering 399cm tall – just over 13 feet.

While giants are often dismissed as myths, some claim there is enough evidence to suggest they once existed.

In 1912, a four foot long fossilised foot imprint was discovered in South Africa.

The proposed owner of that print found in the town of Mpuluzu would have been up to 27 feet tall.

Also, the fossil was more than 200 million years old, which suggests that there was an ancient civilisation of giants.

The existence of giants has been theorised since the dawn of time by all civilisations, including in Norse, Greek, Indian, Mayan, Aztec and Inca mythology.

27ft tall and 200million years old!! The Earth is billions of years old and must have had many 'life ending' cataclysms, is it a stretch to consider that what we have been taught about our deep distant past is wrong?

I believe it is naive and arrogant to not consider it, if serious research is undertaken by the best scientific minds the evidence found may turn many giant myths into incontrovertible truths.

Dolmens are megalithic constructions that are found almost all over the world. Here is the description from Wikipedia....
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A dolmen (/ˈdɒlmɛn/) is a type of single-chamber megalithic tomb, usually consisting of two or more vertical megaliths supporting a large flat horizontal capstone ("table"), although there are also more complex variants. Most date from the early Neolithic (4000–3000 BC). Dolmens were typically covered with earth or smaller stones to form a tumulus. In many instances, that covering has weathered away, leaving only the stone "skeleton" of the burial mound intact.

It remains unclear when, why, and by whom the earliest dolmens were made. The oldest known dolmens are in Western Europe, where they were set in place around 7,000 years ago. Archaeologists still do not know who erected these dolmens, which makes it difficult to know why they did it. They are generally all regarded as tombs or burial chambers, despite the absence of clear evidence for this. Human remains, sometimes accompanied by artefacts, have been found in or close to the dolmens which could be scientifically dated using radiocarbon dating. However, it has been impossible to prove that these remains date from the time when the stones were originally set in place.

Look at the size of these stones! Are we really expected to believe that the dolmens below were constructed by a primitive race of normal sized early humans?


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There are thousands more of these constructions I could show you but I'm sure you get the point. If you looked at these dolmens without the preconceived ideas of mainstream academia you would surely assume the builders were either technologically advanced or Giant!


In my opinion the history books are wrong, it may be circumstantial evidence to many but the footprints and the dolmens are a sign from the past that a race of Giants once walked on Earth.

In the next post we will look at more evidence of Giants and get into some of the mythological Giants found in fokelore.

Thank You.


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