Today in History. The Coldest Day on Earth Ever! July 21st, 1983

The Russian (Soviet) science Vostok Station located on the coldest continent, Antarctica, recorded by the crew on the ground at −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F; 184.0 K)

Being on the ground to record this is important to note since satellites have recorded even colder temperatures on the same continent but from space which doesn’t hold up as much as people living in the extreme conditions.

” On August 10, 2010, satellite observations measured a surface temperature of −93.2 °C (−135.8 °F; 180.0 K) at 81.8°S 59.3°E, along a ridge between Dome Argus and Dome Fuji, at 3,900 m elevation.”

What can live in such a harsh environment without modern human technology?

Oh, and a bunch of different cool seals and penguins and birds.

The famous Killer Whale Which can actually semi-beach themselves to catch seals.

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