Biography of Bill Gates(বিল গেটস এর জীবনী)


Hi,Steemit gues
I'm going to share a blog about the biography of Bill Gates.

Birth and School Life: America City Seattle City The city was born on October 28, 1955, in the city of Bail. Father William Henry Eminent lawyer in the profession Mother used to work in a company named United Way. Henry's only son, Bill Bill. They had two more daughters. The big sister's name is Kristianne. And the little sister's name is Libby.
Father's wish was that Bill Gates grew up to be a lawyer like a father. Name Kamak At the age of 13, he was admitted to a nearby school Lakeside school. He is interested in computers almost from this school. How does the computing machine easily capture programs on its head? Programming on his computer is done at this school. He made the first program in this school. The name 'Tic-tac-toe' was used to play the game against the computer.

Seeing the sky can be understood how the day will be. It is not understood even by the bill. He will be such a huge man.
Who knew

University and career: His graduation ended in Lakeside School in 1973. In the same year he was admitted to Harvard University. Here he gets acquainted with Steve Ballmer. He is the current Microsoft Assistant Director. In the second year of Harvard University, a series of some pomsgig problem solved. It was the fastest series solution in 30 years.

Image: White black and colored bills. (Harvard University)
Although Bill's dream of a mother was a boy's lawyer. But he was not seen to be interested in fulfilling his parents' dream. Of course, there was no future plan in front of how to qualify yourself. But his mind would have stayed behind the computer. At the end he asked Paul Alan, the friend of the school, to come to Harvard. Originally responding to the friend's call, Paul joined Harvard.
Among them, MITS (Micro instrumentation and telemetry system) exits MITS Altair 8800. This is a microcomputer special. After getting out of MITS Altair 8800, Gates contacted MITS. He told them that they want to add some new programs to their Altair 8800. MITS President has shown great interest. He sat beside the bill to Demo. Bill made a demo named BASIC. MITS uses demo on their computer to get amazing results. Later on this program MITS released their new additions.
After that Paul went to MITS. To help Paul, he took leave from Harvard.
Start of Microsoft: He opened an office in partnership with Paul. In New Mexico, the first office opened in an area called 'Albuquerque'. On 26 November 1976, MICT opened an association with the permission of the Commerce Secretary of Mexico. This was Microsoft's first office.
Later in 1977, Microsoft completely separated from MITS. The organization has been working on software development. Bill thought that his establishment would have to be taken to his home country. He brought Microsoft from New Mexico to the city of Bellevue in Washington City. He came here and started searching for a loan for the company. Nobody is willing to give a loan as a new company. He tried to get a loan from a nearby bank.

In 1980, IBM decided to create a computer for single use. Acron started a secret project in the pseudonym. Microsoft was appointed to create this computer's operating system. Afterwards, an operating system called Pc-dos is given to IBM. IBM decided to use it. One thing here is that the PC-dOS operating system is not fully created by Microsoft. Bill Gates bought QD-DOS (Quick and dirty dos) operating system from a small hardware store in Seattle City, Washington City. It is changed to Pc-dos according to IBM's microprocessor.

In 1985, Bill Gates completed the dream year. He dreamed that he would leave an operating system he created on the market. On November 20 Microsoft released their first operating system Windows 1.0.
In 1992, he was released from IBM's coverage. That is, he started releasing the Microsoft Windows editions in full separately. Microsoft's market continued to prosper. Slowly, Microsoft took the seat quite well in the market.
The 10 policies that succeeded in Bill Gates's life

success tips:
The Forbes magazine of the United States publishes a list of world's richest people every year. In the last twenty years, whose name was seventeen times, was named after Bill Gates.

Bill Gates, one of the founders of software giant Microsoft, with a wealth of 78.9 billion dollars, has occupied the world's richest man, but there has been a lot of fall in the backdrop of his success; Having the disappointment at the worst, the initiative to start everything new again and again. In various interviews and speeches, he gave excellent advice to young people. In this essay I have highlighted 10 important suggestions given to young people of the world's richest people.

  1. Start as soon as possible

Bill Gates has always said a word, "Get started now". If you do not want to implement the idea that you are turning around today, then after a few years you will see that someone else succeeded in using your idea. You will not have to do anything except regret.

  1. Every day you have to pay your best

Life in Bill Gates is not shared as a semester; after a few months, you will get the chance to correct your mistakes. There's nothing to say about the break even here. You have to use every second correctly. That means you have to give your best every day.

  1. You own your own 'boss'

"Do not compare yourself with anyone in this world ... If you do so, you are insulting yourself."
Avoid following others in the way of fulfilling dreams. Do something yourself so others follow you. Every man has his own individuality and thinking. Use your own identity. You see, one time you thought of following you, you have been much ahead of the war.

  1. Learn to say no

You are as talented as you are, but not more than 24 hours a day. It is the difference between a successful and failed person who determines how this 24 hours are used. Bill Gates said in a speech at Harvard University, "I got the best advice in life from Warren Buffett. He said that you should know 'no'.

Bill Gates thinks that sometimes your 'no' helps you keep your goals unchanged.

  1. Be Strong

Every successful entrepreneur has asked to emphasize one thing. It is to be 'firmly committed'. The promise comes from love. Make great love for work. You have to be in love with the work you are doing. Successful people make every difficult task easy with only love.

  1. Life is your best school

Life is your best school rather than educational institution No matter how many book-books you read, no one can teach you anymore because the educational institution does not give you any tests, how to deal with the difficult challenges of life. You have to be ready to face the challenge by learning from your own life.

  1. Do not lose hope

Bill Gates said, "To reach the goal should not be frustrating, but always be optimistic." In a speech at Stanford University in 2013, he told the students, "Optimism has long turned into a false hope. But remember, there is something to say about the frustration. "

"Dare to follow your dreams"

  1. Welcome criticism

Bill Gates told about the need for criticism in his book "Bussiness of the Thought". He believes that complaints and dissatisfaction allow people to do better in any work. He wrote, "The most unsatisfied customer is your biggest source of learning".

We all need people who will give us feedback

  1. Calculate the success

In 2003, Bill Gates told him what he called 'education' from his book "The Most Powerful Idea In The World".

He said, "If you always set a specific goal, after a certain time, you can calculate how much you have left, only then you can stay steadfast." With this, he also added - "It is as easy to say, just as hard to do".

So, to do any work, you have to devote yourself to the time and after calculating the scheduled time, you will have to calculate how much the work has progressed.

  1. Life is not easy - accept it

No matter how hard you work, there must be a time when everything will not be in your mind, you will not be in control. You will stumble, fall down. But remember, you have to stand again. It is the ultimate fact that you have to adapt to the difficult times of life. Go ahead and do not waste time on fulfilling your dreams in the right way, success will come at your doorstep.

"It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to the lesson of failure."

  • Bill Gates
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