Spawn of the KKK - Part 2 - The Two Faced Don's Biggest Fear! - [history][politics][irony] -


- Fear of the Future Majority -

In Part 1, we learn that Donald Trump's grandfather avoided mandatory military service in his home country of Germany. After returning back to Germany after years in America, he was forced into voluntary deportation from Germany for not serving in the German military.

Friedrick Trump and family returned back to New York, firmly anchoring themselves in America with the birth of Frederick C. Trump in the Bronx, New York in 1905. Fred Trump, a first generation immigrant of German descent, graduated from high school. A few years later, in 1927, the young Fred C. Trump would be arrested during a Klu Klux Klan protest. Ultimately no formal charges were filed against Fred Trump, allowing him to hide his racist views for many more years.

By the mid 1940's, Fred Trump was a successful businessman, when Donald Trump was born. By the 1950's, Fred Trump and associates would be investigated for war profiteering against the U.S. Government. It was also around this time, that Fred Trump would be informally accused of racist and discriminatory practices in his housing properties, once again revealing his racist leanings.

It would not be until the 1970's, when the Trump Empire was ran by both father and son, that the racist and discriminatory practices of their business would be formally accused and sued by the U.S. Department of Justice. The Trump Organization bank account was able to successfully bankroll expensive attorneys to mount a defense. After a few years, the Trump Organization was able to settle with the U.S. Government. In the settlement they admitted to no wrong doing and agreed to change their practices and policies in order to avoid discriminatory or racist practices in their housing units. This would be Fred Trump's third run in with racism and discrimination accusations and Donald Trump's first solid sign of racism and discrimination against minorities.

The Trump legacy of racist and discriminatory practices against people of color continues today under the guise of President of the United States of America. He is now the CEO of the USA, and he is running the country like he runs his businesses. He favors those in his inner circles, and is dismissive of everyone else, especially those not of his liking.

Now that we know Donald Trump's father was racist and discriminatory, we can safely assume the same about his son, Donald Trump. Donald Trump himself has spewed racist statements recently, furthering proving that the Trump family is racist and fearful of non-white social groups.

President Trump's attitude, statements and actions toward immigrants of color is quiet clear. He is afraid, just like his father was afraid. They fear people of color, consider them less than and not worthy to partake of the better things in life. That is why they purposely segregated minorities that lived in their housing units from the 1950's through 1970's. Donald Trump is continuing that practice of discrimination and segregation against all people of color because he fears the following statistics:

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Donald Trump's biggest fear in the stats above is the projection that the U.S. population of non-Hispanic Whites will no longer be the majority by 2050 or sooner. That is why Donald Trump wants to stop all Non-White immigration into the United States, especially Hispanic/Mexican immigration. The Hispanic/Mexican immigration is his biggest fear and that is why building a wall is of upmost importance to Donald.

Immigration is ok if you are White. Even if you fudge a little when applying for your immigration papers and might have worked a little bit illegally. Chain migration is ok, if they are relatives of your white Eastern European wife. If fact, this is welcomed. But if your skin is brown, or you practice a non-christian religion, then you will be part of the statistical projection showing Non-hispanic Whites as the minority, and The Don will do everything in his power to prevent that so as to not happen in his lifetime. Once again, the Trumps practicing their racist and discriminatory housing practices on a national level.

Change is inevitable Mr. Trump.

Full Steem Ahead!


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