Spawn of the KKK - Donald Drumpf aka Donald Drump aka Donald Trump, POTUS [history][life][politics][irony]


Like Father Like Son

The Immigrant

It was the turn of the century, and the 1800's gave way to the larger promises of the 1900's. Even though some doors had closed for Friedrick Trumpf, others he would pry open. After having spent years building up his wealth in America, Frederick (Friedrick) Trumpf returned to his ancestral homeland of Germany. There he found his wife and then quickly returned to America, but his newly found wife did not take well to America, so they quickly returned to Germany.

Like Grandfather Like Grandson - The Original New York Dodger -

Fredrick would find unwelcoming arms in his homeland. Since Fredrick had departed to America years earlier, he did not participate in his country's mandatory military service and was now considered a Draft Dodger in his country. As punishment, Fredrick was investigated and ultimately asked to leave the country voluntarily or face deportation from Germany to who knows where. This left Fredrick Trump no choice but to depart from his homeland and go back to New York with his family in 1905.

A Supremacist Anchor is Dropped on America

Later in 1905, Frederick (Friedrick) Trump and his wife, Elisabeth Christ, would have another child that would anchor their stay in their now permanently adopted country, the United States of America. Having been conceived in Germany, Frederick Christ Trump was born on October 11, 1905 in the Bronx borough of New York. Frederick C. Trump would grow up in the borough of Queens New York, and eventually graduate from high school there. His father would not live to see this since he died several years earlier.

After high school, Frederick C. Trump would quickly follow in the footsteps and spirit his father had left him as a businessman and entrepreneur. Within several years after graduating high school, Fred Trump quickly became a successful building contractor in New York. It was during these years, that Fred Trump showed how he felt about people of religion (other than his own) and/or color.

In May of 1927, Fred C. Trump was arrested but released without being charged, or rather was detained in police legalese, during a Klu Klux Klan (KKK) march in Queens, New York. From newspaper reports at the time, Trump shared the same lawyer as the other accused men. None of the other 6 accused men ever denied being Klansmen, and most news stories of the time all state that the men arrested were wearing robes during the arrest.

An Empire is Born

In his 20's, Fred C. Trump ran a successful construction business, and by his 30's he was making strides toward the building of a real estate empire. During this time Fred started the concept of Super Markets by opening his first one and selling it within about a year. From there, he would successfully contract with the U.S. Navy to build for them. This would be the true beginnings of the Trump Empire.

The Spawn is Born

It would be during this time of great expansion for the Trump Empire, that Donald Trump would be born. On June 14, 1946, Donald J. Trump was born in New York City. The Second World War had ended, and the Trump Empire was now in full swing building for the U.S. government. Housing villages were needed for many of the returning War Vets, and the Trump Empire was at the forefront of much of that construction. In the 1950's, Trump and associates were investigated for War profiteering by taking advantage of the FHA program. It was also during these times that Trump was informally accused of racism in his housing practices and policies. The famous Woody Guthrie was a tenant of Trumps, who wrote an unpublished song about Fred Trump's racist practices creating racial divide within his properties.

Under the Division of a Slumlord

By the mid 1960's, the Trump company company completed the construction of the $70 Million Dollar Trump Village and
by the time the 1970's rolled around, the Trump Empire was heavily involved in operating affordable housing through the ownership of large apartment complexes throughout New York. It was during these times that Donald Trump would join the family business and begin to leave his mark on New York and the rest of the world.

Under the Rule of a Slumlord

Fred Trump's racist polices and practices on his properties would become concrete accusations in 1973 when the U.S. Department of Justice filed suit against the Trump Organization and its practices, charging them with ""violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968." The Trump Organization was accused of denying applicants who applied for housing based on race. The Trump Organization was also accused of creating a racial divide, under direct order from Fred Trump, by not renting to black families in certain apartments, and forcing them to relocate or only accept applications from Black families for other units that they deemed less desirable. Of course and as usual, by 1975 the Trump Organization settled with the US government, and under the settlement agreement admitted no wrong doing and also agreed to stop their discriminatory and racist practices.

A New Dawn

Fast forward to 2018 and the agreement settled with the people and the US Government continues to be thrashed and decimated by the new Don. As president, Donald Trump has called African nations sh%tholes, attempted to completely ban Muslims from emigrating to the U.S., called all Mexicans drug dealers and rapists and is currently in the process of creating the biggest racial divide of all modern times. This is not a new dawn, it is still just the same old Don, and nothing has truly changed but the date.

But I now know what Don is afraid of and why he wants the wall at all costs.... I will talk about that in my next rant about the Don.

This one's for you @everittdmickey

Full Steem Ahead!


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