Today in history:Ludwig III of Bavaria was born

Hello Steemians!

In today's episode I'll be writing about Louis III, the last king of Bavaria, who was born today, on January 7th, 1845.

Ludwig III of Bavaria

His full name was Ludwig Luitpold Josef Maria Aloys Alfried and he ruled 5 years, from 1913. to 1918.

He was born in Munich as the eldest son of Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria.

Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria - irrlicht71

Ludwig III got married to Maria Theresa on 20 February 1868, with whom he had 13 children.

Maria Theresa of Austria-Este

The eldest, Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria,

Prince Rupprecht and his second wife, Princess Antonia of Luxembourg

Adelgunde, Princess of Bavaria, Maria Ludwiga, Princess of Bavaria,

Adelgunde, Princess of Bavaria

Karl, Franz, and Wolfgang, Princes of Bavaria, and Mathilde, Holdegarde, Notburga, Wiltrud, Helmtrud, Dietlinde and Gundelinde, Princesses of Bavaria.

Karl, Prince of Bavaria

Fun fact, Ludwig III, got a letter from at that time 25-year-old Adolf Hitler, a young Austrian who wanted to join the Bavarian army and granted his wishes.

Adolf Hitler as a young man

With the end of World War I, the German Revolution broke out in Bavaria and Ludwig was force to flee in 1918.
He returned in 1920 and lived there till his death on 18, October 1921, at a trip to castle Nádasdy in Sárvár in Hungary.

castle Nádasdy

He was the last king of Bavaria, with the end of his reign, ended the 700 year of the Wittelsbacher rule over Bavaria.

I hope you enjoyed today's episode!
Stay tuned for more fun and facts from the history, till next time!


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