Gyeorim Forest and The Place where Ancestor of Kim’s Royal Family Was Born.

There were 3 royal families in Shilla dynasty. The first was ‘Park’ , second was ‘Seok’ and the last was ‘KIm’

Each originator of royal family had a myth on there beginning.
There were common thing in their legend.
Each originator was born from the Egg. Even the first queen was also born from the egg.

I don’t understand why the legend when it comes to the birth from the egg was made and what the egg means in ancient world.
It must be the birth from the egg might’ve had very specific meaning.

The place I’d like to post this time is the last Royal family’s beginning place.
It was not far from downtown of Gyeongju.
I had walked for a 30 min there.

Walking along the old road made me pleasant. I’d like to enjoy the old city.

I arrived at Gyeorim forest which had been believed as the sacred place in Shilla dynasty.

The seventh former generation of the First Kim’s family king was born in this forest.
For the First king of Kim family was certainly needed the legend of their family.

Gyeorim means the cock forest. At that time it is said that the cock was believed so sacred animal.

Some scholars explained that the cock was a symbol of 3 legged crow.
3 legged crow was believed to living in the Sun.

The 3 legged crow was the symbol of the Northern civilization.
So we estimated the Kim’s family might’ve come from the northern area such as Goguryeo.

It was a winter season. The leaves were fallen. So the forest looked lonesome for me.
But the trees without the leaves were still amazing though.

I heard that there was an similar name go forest in China. Maybe that was influenced from northern civilization.

I took the photos of those trees imagining the summer season of the leaves.
I’d like to visit once more in summer.




Some trees must’ve lived for several hundred years.



The shrine was located near the entrance of Gyeorim.
At a glance, it seemed like an old shrine.

Just in front of the shrine, there was an old tree. It is said that this tree have lived for more than 1300 years.

What this tree have seen for it's long life ?


Only small part of the tree survived.

There was a monument inside. The building was made for protecting the monument.
Then, let’s look around the shrine.






As like other ancient country, Shilla was also the kingdom of mythology.

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