Agriculture - A Turning Point in Human History



The fact can’t be denied that history took a major turn after the advent of agriculture. In fact, agriculture can be said as the major turning point for the entire humanity and gave a provocationthought to build, to strive to progress and to achieve. Before the idea of cultivation, man was living in the dark ages. He had no clue what is the purpose of his creation, how is he supposed to live and why did he even existed on this earth. It is time who gradually taught and introduced him the value of innovation. I personally think that credit to every new innovation directly and indirectly goes to agriculture revolution. To me, Agriculture is mother of all the invention and revolution.

How agriculture was first started?

Before the revolution took place, people in the old times were living a life of nomads. They were in the living in the form of group of people including men and women. The food they ate were simple fruits, seeds and shrubs. They also use to hunt animals for meat. Some seasons were good enough to provide a lot of fruits and seeds while the other seasons were causing scarcity of it. The first ever base of agriculture was saving the seeds and food so that could be eaten later. Second base of agriculture was falling of seeds and the growing of plants out of those seeds. It really amazed those who accidently dropped the seeds in the ground and later found the plant on the spot of seed. Agriculture found its basis in the world from that day.

Formation of Communities

With the passage of time, the people living in the groups of 20-30 people started to split into smaller groups and the settled in one area which gave rise to the concept of community. It resulted in formation of villages and since then they learned the way of living and the way of communicating with each other. They quit hunting and also started the sharing of food and other stuff with each other. They learned how to socialize and to take care of each other. This is how human communities were formed.


Farming and Keeping Animals

Men in Neolithic era trained animals in such way that it became useful for human. They used animals in many productive ways like bulls were used in ploughing of crops, horses and donkeys were used for moving from one place to another. They also moved crops and other stuff from one place to another with the help of cows and bulls. Similarly, sheep, pigs, goats and other animals were kept which helped human directly and indirectly. Dogs and wolves were also kept by those people because they protected them due to their faithful nature. This concept gave human the basis of Farming. Culture and the agriculture spread to Mediterranean, China, South Asia and Indus Valley.


Basis of Cultivating Plants

Before proper cultivation of crops, people fed on the plants and shrubs that they searched throughout the day. They also ate fruits, berries, seeds etc. too. Later on, they learned the art of domestication of plants. First ever domesticated plants were flax, cereals and pulses. Later on rice, barley etc. were also cultivated and this way agriculture was widespread all around the world. Agriculture is also known as turning point because People invented many tools that helped them in cultivation. These tools were more refined and well formed as compared to the tool that were used in the old times. Gradually, more and more tools came into existence.


Agriculture is the reason that made people less stationed, made them settled to one place, let them the invention of tools and also became a reason of domestication of animals. Due to agriculture, people communicated with each other, worked with each other and also helped each other. It is undoubted that agriculture is mother of all inventions and it is the one that changed the history.

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