
Friend of blessed steemians, how are certainly very good yea ... Hear stories of children certainly comes to keluguan and kelucuannya, as in the kids stored cuteness and uniqueness, but ever kuta thinking how if menjumapai children who don't want to hear what her parents said, for example, when we want to trim her hair is naturally very difficult to persuade rather than in.

Sahabat steemians yang berbahagia, apa kabar tentu sangat baik ya... Mendengar cerita anak-anak tentu terbayang kepada keluguan dan kelucuannya, karena pada diri anak-anak tersimpan kelucuan dan keunikan, tapi pernahkah kuta berfikir bagaimana apabila menjumapai anak-anak yang tidak mau mendengar apa kata orang tuanya, misalnya pada saat kita hendak memangkas rambutnya tentu sangat susah untuk di bujuk bukan.

But a friend does not need to be confused or difficult in the face of these problems, because in Lhokseumawe in aceh Indonesia already have techniques for fishing the kids so he late in the game so that his trousers trimmed neatly without hard to shave.

On the location of the trim in the modification with a typical game for children, such as the seat was modified into the car so the kids with neglectful of his game finally artisan prune more freely to form children's haircut match with his desire.

Pada lokasi pangkas di modifikasi dengan permainan khas bagi anak-anak, seperti tempat duduknya dimodifikasi menjadi mobil sehingga anak-anak lalai dengan permainannya akhirnya tukang pangkas lebih leluasa untuk membentuk model rambut anak-anak sesuai dengan keinginannya.

How to make friend ... The children look very happy with the piece. So friend hopefully entertained. THANK YOU

Bagaimana sahabat mudahkan... Anak-anak terlihat sangat senang dengan mainannya. Demikian sahabat semoga terhibur. TERIMA KASIH.
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