Sacramento News & Review Article + First Degree The DE Interview | Sac-rapmento READ BY Tony Endz

Tony Endz & Rene' Yusuf Bey read the SN&R article about First Degree The DE and his new book "The History Of Sacramento Rap" written and interviewed by Maxfield Morris!
Michael Colen aka First Degree The DE details the storied history of rap in Sacramento. Photo by Maria Ratinova.

First Degree The DE's new book contains Sacramento's complete rap history including what is not well known by the average mainstream ignorant music consumer. Those well versed in Sacramento and general Northern California rap history will enjoy this book as it will enlighten the reader with the facts pertaining to all the gossip that they may have heard.

First Degree The DE's new book also contains a list of other major contributors to the local Sacramento rap scene... also included in that list is our beloved brother Tony Endz! We look forward to contributing to the next book in the series as we continue to make history in Sacramento with our rap music and NOT our Basketball team.

Grab a copy of "The History of Sacramento Rap" at Colen's book reading and discussions at
Underground Books, Februrary 23rd at 2pm
2814 35th Street Sacramento, CA 95817

First Degree The DE - The History Of Sacramento Rap Book Signing FLYER.JPG

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