The Dutch of Acheen / Another Disaster (Evening News (Sydney, NSW, Dari 28 Nov 1902)

Another Disaster

LONDON, November 27, 2.30 p.m.— Natives of Acheen, in the north of Sumatra, fired at and sank a barge, a lieutenant and twenty men of fhe Dutch Military Department being drowned.

[Although the Dutch have been in sole possesion of Sumatra since 1824, they have never been able to subdue the Achinese, who occupy the northern part of the island. Incessant war has been going on, with varying results, for over a quarter of a century, and has cost the Dutch between £20,000,000 and £30,000,000. There is as yet, however, no sign of the natives giving in.]

Source: The Evening News, Friday, November 28, 1902

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