Flags of the World #4 : Andorra!

Hello followers and fellow Steemians welcome to the review of the flag of Andorra! This is the 4th flag i'll be covering on a series to cover most of the flags of the world! sorry for the delay. I was having some internet issues and didn't manage to get my post ready until now!

Today's flag in the flag of Andorra!


Flag of The Principality of Andorra

The flag of andorra is a vertical tricolor with the coat arms of Andorra in the center. The difference is size is barely noticeable but if you look closely, the yellow bar in the center is a bit wider than the other 2 bars, a little fact before the facts part!


The flag was clearly inspired by similar flags that surround the country, France and Spain are the only 2 countries that Andorra shares a border with.

The colors in the flag of Andorra have an interesting meaning behind them, because the 3 of them are borrowed from France and Spain since both of those countries sort of govern over Andorra, that actually means that the colors on the Andorran flag share the meanings of its Spanish and French counter parts!

The blue represents truth and loyalty.

The yellow represents generosity.

The red represents hardiness, bravery and strength.

The coat of arms of the nation present in the slightly wider yellow stripe has a few words below it "Virtvs Vnita Fortior" which means "Virtue United is Stronger".


Andorra is on the top 20 list of the oldest countries in the world!

Andorra is a co-principality, that means that the ruler of the country is actually a prince and in this case, its not only 1 prince, its 2 princes! The princes of Andorra don't actually follow a bloodline but are actually the president of France, Emmanuel Macron (this prince changes every time France gets a new president) and the Bishop of Urgell which is a title currently held my Joan Enric Vives. The form of government of Andorra is pretty interesting and i suggest you read more about it if you are interested :-D

The only way to access the country is by land, there's no airports in Andorra and to get there you have to either travel to France or Spain.

Location of Andorra in Europe


What do you guys think of Andorra? Have you visited it? If you had to hide all your cryptoassets which country would you chose? Andorra or Switzerland!? (Just kidding, we are all law abiding citizens here right? right.....?)

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