High History / Pablo Picasso


Biochemistry, Earth Environmental Sciences, Mathematics, Philosophy, Religious Studies and Music, etc.. ; are fields where we can find the Famous Stoners throughout history.. Oops.. I forgot the Fine Arts and the artist Pablo Picasso, who is known to have used Cannabis regularly. By the way, I believe Anyone has ever done art loves to smoke weed!

Picasso was a remarkably prolific painter and created hundreds of works, and it is possible that the entire Cubist Movement is born out of his perceptions of art When High!

Pablo Picasso Said:

"It took me 14 years to paint like an adult, but it took me 70 to paint like a child."

Watch the below video and tell me, What he draw (Cells, Plant, Fish, Chicken) and why! Was This About Evolution?

Video Via YouTube

Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973)

Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, known as Pablo Picasso, was a Spanish plastic artist. Picasso could not live in a single role. Will play many, real and imagined, but all with the same passion. It was Andalusian and Catalan, Spanish and French.

He was a brilliant child, an Irresponsible Stranger in Paris. But above all, he was the brightest artistic personality of the twentieth century, one of the great masters of the pencil, who finally broke with the conventions of the illusionist and figurative style, dominating from the renaissance period.

As Cubist Paintings have broken down reality, Picasso's work is a mirror that allows art to be traced back to the twentieth century. Eighty years of artistic activity of painting, sculpture, poetry, drawing, graphics, ceramics reflect the versatility of Picasso's art that lives for art and art.


Pablo Picasso & Weed

Of course Pablo Picasso smoked #Weed. Just look at his below paintings. Picasso experimented with groundbreaking techniques, including Cubism. But it was not just art that Picasso experimented with, as the painter was also known to use Opium, #Hashish, Morphine and Ether, all were ubiquitous in Picasso’s circle, and freely available at the local chemist’s around Paris.

Pablo Picasso Portrait Men Smoking Pot

Most Likely, the artist was stoned when he painted the "Family of Saltimbanques", goes a long way towards explaining the lack of tension, the dulled eyes, the emotional isolation of individual figures and the dreamy mood of the rose period.

Family of Saltimbanques

As you see, he perfected, cubism, a non-photographic style of paining that adds the dimension of time. Would he have done so Without His Hashish Vision? I do not think so !

Huffington Wrote;

“He grew progressively more depressed and worried about his own health. His diet became increasing ascetic, his aperifits were replaced by mineral water and he abandoned hashish pills, as he had abandoned opium, forever.”

Pablo Picasso At Work With Different Materials

Video Via YouTube

Reference & Photos / Wikipedia / Veryimportantpotheads /

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