The Trujillo Era in the Dominican Republic

The Trujillo Era in the Dominican Republic

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The history of the Dominican Republic cannot be written without mentioning the deeds of this man: Rafael Trujillo. There is a before and after in the history of this nation, and Trujillo is the surname that resonates the most in the minds of this economic powerhouse of the Caribbean.

The Dean

General Rafael Trujillo was the dean of the famous “strong men’ in Latin America. This happened in the 20th century. Trujillo governed the Dominican Republic for 31 years, and people in the country wanted to have peace while he provided that country the peace they wanted.

However, the people did not have a say in the affairs of the government because this was a dictatorial regime and they knew it. The final stages of the Trujillo Era were marked by the people`s sense of despair, tension, and impending danger.

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Trujillo was a man of power and, as such, he worked a lot. He understood the power of money to influence others. Therefore, he became one of the most hard-working presidents in the history of his country. He amassed enormous wealth because he knew how to win in the business world. Up at 4 in the morning, Trujillo was ready to exercise and have breakfast.

He also read the papers and took notes about the important events of the nation. He then worked hard until the evening. Trujillo loved traveling in Santo Domingo at nights too.

Rebirth of a Nation

The Dominican Republic was almost nothing when President Trujillo came to power. Political instability was the bread and butter of the nation before the rise to power of President Trujillo. This man brought order and discipline to a nation where these things were not part of the culture. The Dominican Republic faced decades if not hundreds of years of economic problems.

President Trujillo undertook the amazing job of rebuilding the country by harnessing the power of an unprecedented yet effective program of public works.

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Great Manager

Trujillo was one of the greatest managers you can find in the history of the Dominican Republic. He knew how to handle people and motive his peers. For instance, Joaquin Balaguer, one of this ablest men, was part of his team for life. This speaks for itself about the amazing managerial qualities of Trujillo.

This man was quite methodical. He wanted to make his country a great nation, and he worked his way to become the no.1 men of his country during his lifetime. The Dominican Republic was set to fly high during his regime, and he knew what he was doing as well.

The Trujillo Era is one of the most important periods of the history of the Dominican Republic. It is true that a lot of blood was shed during those times, yet a surge in terms of economic power was present during this specific period of time in this Caribbean nation. We cannot talk about the history of this small island without talking about this man.

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