History Shorts

I've decided to look up a few tidbits about history. No special topic, just history in general. I hope it's something that will peak some interest.


  1. The high 5 was 'invented' by Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Glenn Burke in 1977. As Dusty Baker came across home plate after a home run, Burke was waiting for him. Glenn put his hand high in the air, and Dusty, not knowing what else to do, slapped it. He said, "It seemed like the thing to do".

  2. The tallest US President was Abraham Lincoln at 6' 4". The shortest US President was James Madison at 5' 4". The average US President height has been, so far, 5' 10.7" LBJ was 6' 3.5".

  3. Willard Scott was the original Ronald McDonald in 1963. Scott had already played Bozo the Clown the previous 4 years before (1959-1962). He was originally known as Ronald McDonald, the Hamburger-Happy Clown. Scott went on to become the weatherman for NBC's Today Show.

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