Random Nice Things

My series of nice surprises is continuing. A friend of mine who I TA’d for at a University associated with this image

Sent me a random email about a fake test question I wrote for him in the 1990s. See to keep him on his toes and because he has such a wonderful and infectious laugh, we would slip in gag questions when we were making tests for the class.

Here is the one I snuck in and was rewarded with a shower of laughter:

Draw a map of Europe roughly to scale. (Be sure not to forget Luxembourg!) Use the techniques of origami to add a realistic topographical dimension. Describe which parts of the physical continent pose the greatest Freudian dilemmas for you. Use these insights to explain what peasant John the dumb-as-nails was thinking as he dressed on the morning of July 19th 1652. Bring in a pertinent but irrelevant statement about what women and minorities were doing that day as well. (And please none of that Annales school highbrow bs!).

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