Programmed to Kill

An overview of David McGowan's investigations into serial killers, satanic cults and their ties to the military and intelligence services.


McGowan's thesis deepens into the human mind's darkest corners and society's worst secrets: ritual murder, inter-generational abuse, systematic kidnapping and abusing of children, complicit authorities, among other ways of terrorizing and fragmenting society through trauma, distrust, and neurosis.

Through his book Programmed to Kill he argues that many of the infamous serial killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy, and a long list of individuals fairly well-known thanks to film and television were actually part of something quite bigger, and at the end took credit and punishment for a number of crimes that he helped comitt, did himself or not at all, most of the times they took blame for dozens of kills when in reality they were just part of a bigger ring of pedophiles and satanists with ties to the military and the CIA/FBI intelligence complex.

Recently another fresh example of this popular representation of the "serial killer" came up in Netflix's Mindhunter, where the real-life mass killer, Edmund Kemper, is portrayed (as shown below).


But what's really scary is the series of short documentaries on Youtube made by Stefano that stretches up to 90 chapters involving pretty much every serial killer in the US for the last decades and the many inconsistencies regarding their trial, sustaining McGowan's thesis that they were part of a cover-up of a much bigger scheme involving cults and rings kidnapping children and murdering them and basically creating chaos and fear in American suburbs. They did take part in it, as it seems clear in many cases, but as part of a ring.

The Finders

Another of McGowan's investigation into the sub-world of pedophile rings involved the mysterious "Finders", a group of well-dressed men and women...


The article by McGowan "Finders Keepers" tells a story of abuse and systemic impunity:

The children, identified in a court document only by the first names of Honeybee, John Franklin, Bee Bee, Max and Mary, were described as 'dirty unkempt, hungry, disturbed and agitated.' They had been living in the rear of the van for some time, the document said. Yesterday, police spokesman Hunt said one of the children, a 6 yr. old girl 'showed signs of sexual abuse' ...

As McGowan writes, the CIA ties were there in the open as even mainstream media articles mentioned them:

As for the CIA, ranking officials describe allegations about links between the intelligence agency and the Finders as 'hogwash,' perhaps the result of a simple mix up with D.C. police. The only connection, according to the CIA: A firm that provided computer training to CIA officers also employed several members of the Finders." (2)

It should probably be noted here that the firm that supplied the training didn't just employ several members of the Finders but appears to have in fact been a wholly owned subsidiary of the Finders organization. It should also be noted that the CIA does not, as a general rule-of-thumb, assign the training of its officers to outside contractors. If a 'private' firm is utilized in such a capacity, it is in all such cases a front group of the CIA itself.

In the last paragraph of the U.S. News report, yet more intriguing connections to Langley are revealed. Speaking of group leader Marion Pettie, it is noted that "the CIA's interest in the Finders may stem from the fact that his late wife once worked for the agency and that his son worked for a CIA proprietary firm, Air America." Aside from acknowledging these by then widely known (in Washington, at least) CIA connections, the U.S. News reporters did their very best to bury this story once and for all, denigrating the sordid allegations leveled against the group seven years earlier. Finders Keepers

The two well-dressed men approached by cops in Tallahassee in february 1987 were not charged with any crimes despite being found with 6 malnourished children with signs of abuse. In the end, Justice determined their practices -those they could proof- were eccentric but not illegal.

There are some videos on Youtube about the subject of the Finders but not specifically on McGowan's investigations...
be sure to take a look at this one because it's very informative in just 5 minutes

And there's also a 1 year old Steemit article on the subject as well, in it, @rebelskum shares some interesting facts and historical documents like this one:

The Finders case just adds to many others where children dissapear or worse and nobody gets charged for it. After a brief moment of attention from mainstream media and the citizenry, these cases mostly get buried below everyday subjects and widespread indiference.


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