The Korean Empire. 1904 year. Transportation of officials and generals


High-ranking officials and military pre-reform Korea moved around the country on such strange mechanisms. Needless to say, transport was uncomfortable for workers who were supposed to smoothly rotate and maintain a balance, which is for the rider himself, who was supposed to be constantly in suspense.

The tradition that the individual above on the hierarchical level should physically sit above the subordinates stretches from the animal world, when the leader takes up space on the upper branch or on the high stone. So it seems more significant, and it is always necessary to address it from the bottom up.

That is why, the military and clergy have such high headgear. That they themselves seemed higher, stronger, smarter.

In general, a lot of absurdities came into our lives from those ancient times when our ancestors were animals. It's strange that today we do not laugh at such habits, when an official in a car with flashing lights and a motorcade rushes off the road, but we strive to be in his place.

After all, this is the real manifestation of savagery and ignorance.

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