The First Americans

I'm not a big fan of the first interview, however, youtube has codes to prevent the posting to other website for some of the content that are on their system. I suggest the interview at the end of the post

Cow­boys and Indi­ans? Not hardly. The Cow­boys, actu­ally, came on the scene very late. The First Amer­i­cans, as seen on the cover of this book, will be thor­oughly cov­ered. The pic­ture was taken by the crew of The HMS Chal­lenger Expe­di­tion, 1872 – 1876 A.D. at the most South­ern region of South Amer­ica, at a place called Tierra del Fuego. This pic­ture can be seen today in the Nat­ural Museum of Lon­don. Africans not only came before Colum­bus and Clo­vis, but were in the Amer­i­cans far before any other group, at least 60,000 years ago. We will go through evi­dence exposed by a panel of cred­i­ble schol­ars, pro­fes­sors and researchers. The evi­dence lies in sev­eral dif­fer­ent sci­en­tific fields. Do not for­get the Egyp­tians. They were also here far before the Vikings or Colum­bus. They left struc­tures above and below the waves in far away places in North Amer­ica. From the East to the West Coasts; from the val­leys to moun­tain tops that still carry their names. You will read about rem­nants of their arti­facts, writ­ings, archi­tec­ture and more. For years this story was hid­den and for­bid­den to be repeated. Researchers who dared to bring out new finds that were against the accepted his­tory were intim­i­dated, fund­ing ter­mi­nated and in some cases jobs and careers put in jeop­ardy. Authors such as Dr. Imhotep are now throw­ing cau­tion to the wind and lift­ing the veil of secrecy never to be closed again. This is a true his­tory for all to learn and enjoy and there is much more on its way … as the veil of secrecy and con­cealed infor­ma­tion is made avail­able to the pub­lic in my future, “Lift­ing of the Veil Series”. If you are a orig­i­nal per­son from Tur­tle Island also known as (North or South Amer­ica) who has for­got­ten this is the book for you. If you are a orig­i­nal per­son from Tur­tle Island also known as (North or South Amer­ica) who has for­got­ten this is the book for you.
Want to know more?
Dr. Imhotep on Philippe SHOCK Matthews

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