night stories in blankets uneasy

By: @geang

    Late night. Shan pushed back the window blinds. Instantly the room that was originally dark without illumination, received a bias of light from the light coming through the window glass. The young man looked up into the night sky. Watch the yellowish moonlight up there.

Full moon shines perfectly. A good time to unlock the forces of nature.helped lead Anabel to where she belonged.

Above the bed sat Anabel with her legs dangling. Look at Shan's back from where he is. Moments
he saw Shan turn around, he smiled broadly.

"Is it my time to go home?" She cocked her head with an expectant face.

"Yes, soon, when the full moon is just above the point," Shan replied with a smile.

Anabel nodded innocently.but a glimpse of doubt in his eyes. Certainly caught by Shan's sharp eyes.

The young man approached, "Why?" he asked.

"Shan, if I go ... do not you feel lonely?" Anabel looked at Shan in, "I know you're always alone."

"If you know I'm always alone, then why worry?" Shan patted her head softly.then started unbuttoning his shirt one by one, "let's get ready, it's time to go home."

Anabel got up. Then approached, and kissed Shan's cheek. The young man grabbed his head, then landed a kiss on the forehead. After that he spun Anabel's body, guiding her right under the moonlit light that broke through the glass window.

Shan opened the black shirt worn.then closed her bare chest with a white blanket. As he did to see Anabel's past few days ago. Only difference, this time Shan let Anabel stand facing him.

Anabel smiled, along with Shan's outstretched hand touching her shoulder.

They looked at each other. Along with the warmth that began to flow from the palm of Shan's hand to Anabel's shoulder.The white curtain and the flame on the candle laid by Shan by the window were seen twisting, then stalled completely. Shut up. Not moving.

Shan stared into Anabel's eyes. In. Start signing in.

Dark. Concentrated. Confusion.

Shan set foot. Down the aisle of darkness that he entered from the two eyes of Anabel. Walking straight.past the sounds that surrounded him.

The sounds come and go. A small girl's crying, overwhelmed by the laughter of the children surrounding her. A girl's screaming voice calls out a name. His name. "Shaan ... Shaan!"

The heat began to flow to Shan's back.

Shan does not open his eyes, keeps on concentrating. Now he heard the laughter of a girl.step foot into the bus, while asking "Sister, will we meet Shan today ..?"

Sweat started dripping on Shan's forehead. Along with the growing heat.

The voices arose and drowned. Closer and farther away. While Shan is still walking in the dark. Cold and quiet.

"Brother do not!" There was a scream. Fear, sad, despair."Brother, do not do this! I'm your sister ..."

The heat turned to a sore on the skin of Shan's back. Slowly, her skin began to peel. The sweat in the forehead of the Shan is increasing rapidly flowing. While his hands now began to tremble.

The voices disappeared. Shan was still stepping, until there was light on the other end.bright light like sunlight that breaks into a room.

That light, had blinded his eyes.

Shan's step begins to slow down. Now, everything is bright. Realizing he was standing on the grass. Green grass with a small path. Shan looked around. Big trees, benches, and cloudy atmosphere.this park.

He was standing in the garden.

Shan's eyes caught the figure of a girl in a white dress with open shoulders. Was sitting on a swing, with his head down.


Shan stepped closer. With a heart touched to see the solitude of the girl's soul.

"Hey, Icha ..." Shan called.

The girl looked up. Looks pale. Sad, and lonely.but when he saw Shan, the lips that began to dry it smiled broadly.

"Shan ..." his voice hoarse. Almost inaudible.

Shan squatted right in front of the girl.

"You came ... you finally came ..." Her eyes filled with tears.

"Yes, I'm coming.sorry to keep you waiting so long ... "Shan smiled as she straightened the hairs around her ear.

"I miss you," now a drop of Icha's tears fell over the back of Shan's hand.

"Me too," Shan wiped the edge of Icha's eyes.

Slowly Icha unhooks her hands from the chain swing. He wiped Shan's face softly. Then hugged him tightly, full of longing.until for some time.

"I'm tired ..." he whispered in Shan's ear.

"I've come, so do not wait for me again ..." whispered Shan in her ear.

Icha releases a hug. Then her eyes were staring at Shan's face closely. As if to satisfy his longing.

Shan turned back. Where from the clouds overcast in the distance seen a speck of silver light began to glow."Now your time comes home ..." Shan holds Icha's hand. Thin and cold.

Icha nodded slowly. Tears came back to her pale cheeks.

"Rest quietly, yes ..." Shan wiped the girl's tears with her fingertips. Then stood up, and kissed the old Icha's forehead.

The sound of a bus rumbling from a distance. Buses that come through a silvery ray from cloud's just an allusion. Anabel from Anabel's strongest memory. Because in her memory, she always came home on a bus.

Shan took Icha's weak hand to the bus at the end of the park. Along the path they passed, Icha slowly began to hum.

Sing the songs they memorized in the orphanage first. In a hoarse and weak voice, but cheerful. The pale face ...has now rediscovered its twinkle.

Shan was standing at the door of the bus. Let Icha stepped up. He could smile as he waved before the bus door closed.

Then the car drove slowly. Leaving Shan standing alone. Glide toward the clouds shine. Then disappear.

The clouds in the sky grew darker. Then everything came back thick.
Cold, quiet.

Shan opened her eyes.Anabel's figure had disappeared from her. Now all that's left is a terrible pain on his back!

Hot! Like burning.
Shan fell to his knees. Along with the fall of the white blanket he wore.

Still at the sight of the end of the window curtain slowly struck by the waving flames of wax.the end of the curtain began to smoke and burn!

Shan gripped the floor firmly. Her hands are shaking great! Her back in a great heat of sensation is now torn. Along with something that starts to squirm out.
"Ahh," Shan complained. While the fire at the end of the curtain began to enlarge.
Something stretched from Shan's back widened.until finally fully developed.

   Richie got out of the car feeling annoyed. They did not go to turkey because a few days ago their family called. Reported that the uncle had an accident and was hospitalized. Not too bad, but that's enough reason for her father to cancel their for a few days yesterday they were in the hospital and his uncle's house. It sucks!

Luckily he can go home first. Without waiting for mama and papa. Well, at least at home he can spend time to relax.

Bibi opened the door. Slightly frowned for thinking they would be back for longer.but because he understood Richie's character, he did not ask much.

Richie climbed the steps. Go to room upstairs, adjacent to Shan room.

She did not care.but seeing the white smoke coming out of the door, made him start suspicious.

Did Shan intend to burn herself in there?

He starts knocking on the door roughly.

"Shan! Shan! Do you want to burn the house ?!" He shouted curtly.

There was no answer. While the smoke more and more out.

Richie's forehead frowned. He pressed the doorknob down. Tried opening it.but the door was locked from the inside.

Finally he took a step back, then kicked the door hard.

Once! Twice! Then the door was wide open.

Richie gasped. Not just because the room was already filled with a lot of smoke with half-baked ...

"Shan ...You ...? "

Richie took a step back with trembling legs.

There, beside the bed, Richie saw Shan. The young man was bare-chested, while on his back ... a silvery-white wing fluttered perfectly.

thank you for steemit friends who have read this kerita. let's leave your comment and follow me @geang

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