A Brief History of Gambling and its evolution troughout the years

Games and Gambling has been around for a long long time,as archeologists found on 20th century a game that goes back to the ancient Sumerian civilization which dominate the mesopotamian region on the period 3500 B.C to 2500 B.C. The game consisted of a group of dice in pyramidal format, made in animal bones, with different symbols carved on the faces. More likely, the different combinations of symbols for each dice formed a value scale that defined the winner of the game.How it was played,its name ,and most important its rewards, remains mystery.

Tutankhamon Tomb Font: (Wikipedia.org)

But another game that was found by archeologist,and its talked even today is called Senet,as found in the tomb of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun(photo), who reigned over ancient Egypt around the year 1300 BC, a complex board game with rod-shaped dice,it was very popular in egypt as seen in many hieroglyfs and the archeologists even found boards of it in first dynasty tombs (B.C 2920 - 2770 B.C.) However, as there are even older chunks of trays, the game probably already existed in the pre-dynastic era.In ancient Egypt, it may have acquired a magical or mystical quality becoming something of a ritual within itself. It was believed that after his death he had to win a game of Senet against the God Ra in order to enter paradise, and perhaps for that reason it came to be known as the "Game of passage from soul to another world.". Its rules,and photos of the board game can be found even today.

However these games were more close to Chess than it to Black Jack,lets be real..on Rome on the other hand there was a game called Razar as reported from the historian Tacitus(photo), who lived between AD 55 and AD 120, account for a game of dice much appreciated by the Romans that ended only after one of the participants bet their last possessions, that is, only after His bankruptcy, being that often, not having more to offer, he bet on the game his own freedom, resigning himself in case of defeat to become a slave of the opponent.Thats also something we see even today in cassinos sometimes ,which is very sadly,taking out the part of slave of course,or no? (Hide Laughing).

Tacitus Font:(Wikipedia.org)


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More modern civilizations have considerably innovated the gaming modalities, ranging from old dice game to electronic slot machines, to card games, horse racing, lottery games and roulette, which can be divided into two broad categories : Pure games of chance, or games in which the player's performance depends exclusively on his luck (lottery, dice and roulette, for example), and games of chance and technique, in which the outcome depends on both luck and skills or knowledge Of the player (bingo, card games and horse racing, for example).

The games in the current society function as an industry around the world. Casinos, establishments built to practice this type of entertainment in countries where gambling is legalized, have become a tourist destination for thousands of people, the most traditional being those of the city of Las Vegas, located in the American state of Nevada.

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With the advent of the internet many cassinos built their site,and many were create interely online,with tables being transmitted via web cam with real time dealers,or softwares running in your computer or mobile phone,dices becoming mere programmed numbers but mantaining its caractheristics of ramdomize,now you can bet even in your favorite team,or athlete.It become a millionaire industry like its pyshical counterpart,however many as doubt the fairness of the games,as with online, the cassino could stole even more from you,but lets be fair,the cassino could become a more easy target for robbery too,as hackers could hack their site.Thats when blockchain could become a fix for these problem in a descentralized type cassino and with each bet being proved,i believe blockchain technology can help a lot with fairness and trust, becoming transparent,the primary things for a gambler to play.

The future of gambling is promising folks.

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