
Years ago, when I was a young woman, some friends teased me & nicknamed me Boudica because of my attitude.
I was living near Colchester which is famous for being an early Roman garrison & the place which Boudica's celtic tribes destroyed in 60AD.
I decided to find out more about this famous woman.

I learned that she had been denied her inheritance by the Romans & when she appealed to the Consul at Colchester, the patriarchal Romans stripped her & whipped her. They went on to rape her two daughters.
Then she & her 2 daughters, their horses & hounds disappeared from the Roman records.
The legend has it that she went on a long & arduous journey around the entire country & persuaded warring celtic tribes to join forces against the invading Romans in a planned battle to be conducted at night, during the darkest phase of a future agreed moon.
Each time she moved on, she had to plead her case again to disparate barbarian warriors that they should amass as one.

The last cheiftain she visited before the fateful night was Carodoc who lived here, where I am now.
Dorset was the home of the Durotriges (a roman rendition of their unpronouncable name)
The Durotriges lived up to their name, they were Celts like the Iceni but less given to agriculture, more inclined to fight.
Duro in latin means - hard. Triges means tribe.

When Boudica finally met this famous fighting Chieftain she was already well aware of his reputation & his legendary skills in war.

Tacitus, a Roman historian, records that Boudica addressed the assembled army with these words, "It is not as a woman descended from noble ancestry, but as one of the people that I am avenging lost freedom, my scourged body, the outraged chastity of my daughters," and she concluded, "This is a woman's resolve; as for men, they may live and be slaves."

The attack was mounted, first upon the Roman garrison & retirement complex at Colchester which was burned to the ground.
Then the Celts rode to London & destroyed the port & fortifications there.

Carodoc & Boudica survived the attacks on Colchester & London, but a few months later the Roman troops from the north & west, who had been summonsed by a horse-riding messenger, finally took on the Celtic alliance & totally defeated it.
Nothing certain is known about what happened to Boudica at that battle near St Albans.
But the legend in Dorset has Caradoc's barrow & it overlooks the whole territory to the coast.
Carodoc's name lives on here in place names, streets & as far as Cornwall. While Boudica is commemorated with the battered but preserved roman remains of Colchester, a statue facing the Thames in London & her image on our money.



I seriously believe that the British have been slaves since Boudica and her supporting clans & tribesmen died.
If you look at what little we know of our history we have been serving the whims of a globalist Roman agenda for 2,000 years and I really think it is time for us to stop doing that.
I seriously believe that as long as we Brits remain slaves so does the whole world.

Once, a few years back, I phoned into the Jeremy Vine @BBCRadio2 lunchtime show because, as an anti-war activist, I was incensed about the lack of a voice for disarmament. I was the last caller and I chatted with Jeremy Vine about one of our warmongering forays (I can't remember which one now, maybe Syria) and I was vehemently saying no to it in short.

I was watching the clock and knew that the program would end within the next minute so that is when I launched into my proudest moment. I told the BBC audience that I thought we Brits should be the first nation in the world to completely disarm and totally reject war.
Poor Jeremy Vine nearly choked, spluttered something really incoherent and my phone line went dead.

On Live BBC Radio. I had said it and I really meant it. I was thrilled!

However, the international predator class under the control of the aristocratic & ancient Roman Black Nobility, which hold the BBC in a vice, will never give up its favourite weapon of regular mass depopulation and my idea would mean completely dispensing with their generationally nurtured full-spectrum dominance wet dream.

They will not stop war and I think we all know that now.

Let's revive Boudica' dream.

She is Britain, not just one historical individual, but all of us who are nurtured by this land, regardless of place of birth.
Let's live up to her power, strength & determination & finally kick these Romans out to sea as she tried so hard to do.

Sounds like a plan to me.....

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