HOLOCAUST HISTORICAL ACCURACY vs REVISIONISM - Who will win this painful battle?

Why is hollow hoax revisionism regarded as exclusively "far right"?

I do not fit comfortably into that description, but I agree that history needs to be, at the very least, researched with greater discernment.

Any fool can easily see that most of the indoctrinated history we received during our dubious education was created as an acceptable narrative that barely resembled reality. One only has to examine the present day main stream media to see how stories are spun to create entire fabrications with little correspondence to real life.

If our journalists are pumping out propaganda, how much more unreliable is history?

I asked my London resident grandparents whether they knew that Jews were being murdered wholesale in Germany during the war years and, despite them both being highly interested in politics and current affairs, they stated that this information did not reach them until after WW2 was over.

Since then I have seen evidence that there were no airtight gas chambers, nor crematoria that could possibly have coped with the numbers drummed into us during our formative years.
Hollywood also worked hard to reinforce the horror stories.

War is a racket, is about the only truth from WW2 that I can say I fully believe and war is clearly used as a weapon of eugenics against the poorest among us.

Another point that really raises my alarm bells is this:
WHY was I never taught that more than 60 million people worldwide were wiped out of existence during WW2?

Surely that fact ought to have been the major truth to be absorbed - rather than forcing humanity to focus on one small group of less than 10% of all the human losses?

The mantra of the moment is "follow the money" isn't it?
Perhaps noticing that Hofjuden (court jews) and their employers, the aristocratic families of the Black Nobility, closely controlling the Roman Empire's every covert atrocity, were the true beneficiaries of war and depopulation..... maybe that is why we were fed so many lies.

However the atrocities still continue, with our governments fawning over remembrances and shoring up the disintegrating narrative. Still those 60 million remain unacknowledged and financial reparations continue to pour into Israel.
When will they stop demanding their pound of flesh?
When will war be seen for the vile culling of humanity that it clearly is?
When will it all stop?
Clearly never, at this rate!

We hear via alternative media that a German court sentences a man to two and a half years in jail for running a banned and misleadingly described "neo-Nazi" website, finding him guilty of inciting racial hatred.
Judges in the western city of Stuttgart say the 29-year-old, identified only as Ralph K., who for several years ran the German-language “Altermedia Deutschland” site, “had led a criminal organization and propagated hate.”
Three co-defendants are convicted of contributing to the far-right platform and are handed suspended sentences of between eight months and two years, national news agency DPA reports.
The German government shut down “Altermedia” on Holocaust Remembrance Day two years ago following a series of police raids.



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