The Great Pyramid & The Cardinal Dimensions Of Our Planet: Ancient Egypt Part IV

Master builders in the peak of their craft are responsible for the construction of the pyramids. Contrary to popular belief no slaves at all were used in the construction process. This is the work of educated and highly knowledgable craftsmen, not an unwilling labour force; it is a labour of love and care, devoted towards a higher purpose.


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Quickfire Facts

The Great Pyramid weighs 6 millions tons

More than 2.5 million individual blocks used

Apparently built in 20 years cough (sounds like bullshit and here's why)

For this to be possible the ancients would of had to cut, transport and place 14 stone blocks per hour, 24hrs a day for 7,300 days. There are dozens that weigh at least 70 ton; that's 11% the mass of the Christ the Redeemer Statue in Brazil.

The largest granite stones in the pyramid, found in the "King's" chamber, weigh 25 to 80 tonnes and were transported from Aswan, more than 800 km (500 mi) away.

It's orientated to true north, with the precision of three sixtieths of one single degree.

The average space between each block is 0.5mm

It's height (481ft) x 43,200 = the Polar radius of our planet (in ft).

Measuring the base perimeter and x 43,200 will give you the circumference of our planet (in ft).

Why so much attention to detail?

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43,200 is not a random number. It is derived from the precession of the earths axis. The earth wobbles around it's axis like a spinning top at the rate of one degree every 72 years. 72 x 600 = 43,200.

They have given us the dimensions of our planet on a scale defined by our planet itself, pretty smart right? A scale of 1:43,200. This blows my mind.

The baffling part is the movement and arrangement of these stones into such a high precision monument. If you make a small mistake at the base of the pyramid, then by the time you go up 481 feet you will not have a pyramid, you will have a corkscrew.

Throughout the dark ages after the fall of the roman empire, people didn’t even know that the world was spherical, never mind it’s dimensions. Through all that time however the answer was there for them, staring them in the face. Encoded and remained undeciphered for millennia.

Where did this knowledge come from? Was it passed down from an even older ancestor civilization?

Since we don't know how the Pyramids were built this leads me to believe that we are we missing an entire chapter from the human story. No one today is able to explain how this could have been accomplished in old kingdom Egypt with the supposed technology that was available to them.

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What do you think about the facts in this post, let me know down in the comments, I would love to have a chat about anything related to this topic!

The Previous posts in this series are:

Part III - Ancient Egyptian Mathematics Was Identical To Computer Code

Part II - Is the Sphinx actually 36,000 Years Old?

Part I Does Old Kingdom Egypt date back 36,000 Years

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