Centuries Ago

Hello friends. How is your life going? The King must be quite comfort with our inability to organize a decent revolt. We lack motive. a1drjohnthumb.JPG

Summer is ending. We had our chance to overthrow the feudal system last winter, but lost our momentum. We lack leadership.

Without motivation and leadership, our cause seems lost. We seem destined to remain peasants. The vassals who control us are in firm control. They control our quality of life. They enable and restrict us to manipulate our future. Few are willing to risk the wrath of the king. With a word, the king is able to starve us out.

Our only hope is to take this year’s harvest out of the kings control. We can gain power if we avoid the vassals system.

Banks are failing throughout Europe. Wars will come. People will die. These are the costs of freedom.

Who’s with me?

Does your silence doom us?

I fear our cause is lost without global agreement and action.

Here is today’s beauty.


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