history of Perlak kingdom

the town of Islamic - the Kingdom of Islam Indonesia's first is the kingdoms perlak. Kingdom perlak appear beginning in 840 ad until the year 1292 M. the Kingdom of perlak is an Islamic Kingdom early located in perlak, Aceh. perlak is an area in the East Coast Aceh. said perlak derived from the name of the tree large wooden ie "kayei peureulak" (Wood perlak). Wood is very good used for a basic materials boat building the ship, so many purchased by companies boats vessels. and perlak grow the type of trees, the so called the country perlak. King and the people of the County state perlak are descendants of the Maharaja Pho he La syahir nuwi (meurah perlak syahir nuwi) and the descendants of troops followers. reign of Islam perlak lasted diving 467 years of the year 225-692 H. the Kingdom of Islam perlak born to coincide with the reign Inter alia-muktashim Billah, the Caliph abbasid the last ruling year 218-227 H (833-842 ad). until the early 10th century recorded four King governing the Kingdom of Islam perlak, namely: Sultan alaiddin saiyid Maulana Abdul Aziz Shah (225-249 H / 840-864 ad), Sultan alaiddin saiyid Maulana abdurrahim Shah (249-285 H / 864-888 H), sultanalaiddin saiyid Maulana Abbas Shah (285-300 H / 888-913 H), Sultan alaiddin saiyidmaulana Ali mughaiyat Shah (302-305 H / 915-918 in 840 this came to the group totaling 100 led by the skipper Caliph. their goal is to trade at once preaching spread Islam in perlak. leader and residents of the country perlak finally left the religion of their old to move to Islam. Furthermore, one of men skipper Caliph, Ali bin Mohammed bin ja`far Sadiq married with makhdum tansyuri, brother of syahir nuwi. from their marriage this is born then alaidin Syed Maulana Abdul Aziz Shah, Sultan first work perlak. Sultan then change the capital of the Kingdom, originally named Bandar perlak to airport caliphs, as the award of the skipper Caliph. Sultan and his wife, daughter meurah mahdum khudawi, buried in Paya meuligo, perlak, East Aceh Islamic teachings presented by Muslims group skipper Caliph to the children of the city perlak with Taufik and guidance God Almighty, attention and welcome good so life fertile and developing thanks to the teachings and lighting-lighting of mubaligh-mubaligh continuous come to the country perlak. in the time that is not up to half a century, Muslims perlak who have had the descendants of Islam of mixed marriage between people / native (daughters perlak) with a descendant the Arab persi and Muslim India, have been able to set up the Kingdom of Islam in the country perlak on Tuesday day months muharam year 225 H (840 ad). Sultan first elected is saiyid Maulana Abdul-Aziz Shah (peranakan Arab quraysh with daughter meurah perlak), holds the Sultan alaiddin saiyid Maulana Abdul-Aziz Shah. the Kingdom of Islam has been established in perlak that, life fertile and spread wide through dynasty King-King. Sultan alaidin Syed Maulana Abdul Aziz Shah is Sultan beralirah understand Shia. flow Shiite come Indonesia through the merchant of Gujarat, Arabic, and Persia. they come in the first time through the Sultanate perlak with full support of the dynasty fatimiah in Egypt. when dynasty this collapsed in the year 1268, the relationship between groups Shiite on the Beach Sumatra group Shiite in Egypt start disconnected. this condition cause political Constellation Egypt blow off. dynasty mamaluk ordered forces led by Shaykh Ismail to go to the East Coast of Sumatra with the ultimate goal is to eliminate followers Shiite in the Sultanate perlak and the Kingdom of the Ocean pasai. during the reign of Sultan third, Sultan alaiddin Syed Maulana Abbas Shah, flow Sunni started to get into perlak. after the death of Sultan in 363 H (913 ad), there civil war between the Shia and Sunni so for the next two years there is no Sultan. the Shia win the war and in the year 302 H (915 ad), Sultan alaiddin Syed Maulana Ali mughat Shah of the flow Shia throne. at the end of his reign happen again upheaval between the Shia and Sunni this time was won by Sunnis so Sultans next taken from the group Sunni. Coronation Sultan fourth delayed for three years because there contradiction political between the flow Shia and ahlussunnah Wal jama'ah. the merchants who led the master Caliph consists of the leaders of the Shia are eliminated by ruler of the dynasty abbasid in Arabia, Persian and India. conflict of political between the two schools in the Kingdom of Islam the time to spread to perlak finally group ahlussunnah Wal jama'ah managed to subvert the Kingdom of Islam Shia and replace it with the Kingdom of ahlussunnah perlak. dynasty makhdum is a continuation of Sultans dynasty saiyid Maulana numbering twelve: the Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Abdul Kadir Shah Johan sovereign, (306-310 H / 918-922m), Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Muhammad Amen Shah Johan sovereign (310-334 H / 922-946 ad), Sultan makhdum alaiddin abdulmalik Shah Johan sovereign (334-361 H (946-973 ad), Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Mansur Shah Johan sovereign (402-450 H / 1012-1059 ad), Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Mansur Shah Johan sovereign (450-470h / 1059-1078 ad), Sultan makhdum alaiddin King Abdullah Shah Johan sovereign (470-501 H (1078-1108 ad), Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Ahmad Shah Johan sovereign (501-527 H / 1108-1134 ad), Sultan makhdum alaiddin Mahmud Shah Johan sovereign, (527-552 H / 1134-1158 ad), Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Usman Shah johanberdaulat, (552-565 H / 1158-1170 ad), Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Muhammad syahjohan sovereign (565-592 H / 1170-1196 ad), Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik abduljalilsyah Johan sovereign (592-622 H / 1196-1225 ad) and the Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Muhammad Amen Shah II Johan sovereign (622-662 H / 1225-1263 ad (but according to note that is in Wikipedia number of Sultan on dynasty makhdum totaling 14) in the year 362 H (956 ad), after the death of Sultan seventh, Sultan makhdum alaiddin Abdul Malik Shah Johan sovereign, happen again upheaval for about four years between the Shia and Sunni terminated with peace and distribution of the Kingdom into two parts. the first part, perlak coastal (Shia), led by the Sultan alaiddin Syed Maulana Shah (986 - 988). the second part, perlak inland (Sunni), led by the Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Ibrahim Shah Johan sovereign (986 - 1023). both the leadership of the back together when one of the leader of both the region, the Sultan alaiddin Syed Maulana Shah died. he died when perlak successful defeated by the Kingdom of sriwijaya. conditions war this is what uplifting merging back's leadership in the Sultanate perlak. Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Ibrahim Shah Johan sovereign, which initially only master perlak inland then defined as the Sultan to-8 on the Sultanate perlak. he continued struggle against sriwijaya until 1006. the Sultan perlak 17th, Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Muhammad Amen Shah II Johan sovereign, do the political friendship with neighboring countries. he married two his daughter with the leaders of the Kingdom of neighbors. daughters Rachael Kamala married with the King of the Kingdom of Malacca, Sultan Muhammad Shah (parameswara) and the daughter of algae married with the King of the Kingdom of the Ocean pasai, Inter alia-Malik Inter alia-Saleh. marriage this has the meaning of a very important in the spread of Islam of Sumatra and Peninsula land Malay. in addition, the Kingdom of Islam perlak as the Kingdom of which has culture and civilizations high is open. from the results of marriage gave birth to a Crown Prince heir two Kingdom, namely the Sultan Muhammad malikul dhahir. factors marriage this led to smooth unification of the Kingdom of Islam perlak into the Kingdom of Islam Ocean pasai. Sultanate perlak ended after the Sultan of the 18th, Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Abdul Aziz Johan sovereign died in 1292. the Sultanate perlak then fused with the Kingdom of the Ocean pasai under power Sultan Ocean pasai ruling at that time, Sultan Muhammad Malik Inter alia Zahir which is also a son of Inter alia-Malik Inter alia-Saleh. Kingdom perlak is a country famous as a producer of Wood perlak, the Wood good quality to ship. no wonder if the merchant of Gujarat, and Arab India interested to come here. at the beginning of 8th century, the Kingdom of perlak develop as Bandar commercial very advanced. condition this makes the rise of mixed marriage between the merchant's Muslim with locals. the effect is the development of the Islamic rapid and finally the emergence of the Kingdom of Islam perlak as the Kingdom of Islam first in Indonesia. on the day inauguration of the founding of the Kingdom of Islam, airport perlak exchanged his name to airport caliphs as a memento to the skipper Caliph early bringing Islamic to Bandar perlak. airport caliphs it until now still called his name, but the area has become the Hamlet small that does not mean again. dynasty saiyid Maulana 1. Sultan alaiddin saiyid Maulana Abdul-Aziz Shah, ruled in 225-249 H (840-864 ad). 2. Sultan alaiddin saiyid Maulana Abdur-uterine Shah, ruled in 249-274 H (864-888 ad). 3. Sultan alaiddin saiyid Maulana Abbas Shah, ruled in 274-300 H (888-913 ad). 4. Sultan alaiddin saiyid Maulana Ali mughayah Shah, ruled in 302-305 H (915-918 ad). dynasty makhdum Johan sovereign Kings dynasty makhdum Johan sovereign is derived from meurah perlak original (syahir nuwi). 5. Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Abdul-Kadir Shah Johan sovereign, ruled year 306-310 H (918-922 ad). 6. Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Muhammad Amen Shah Johan sovereign, ruled in 310-334 H (922-946 ad). 7. Sultan makhdum alaiddin Abdul-Malik Shah Johan sovereign, ruled in 334-361 H (946-973 ad). 8.a Sultan alaiddin saiyid Maulana Mahmud Shah as Sultan ruling in 365-377 H (976-988 ad) of the dynasty saiyid Maulana. 8.b. Sultan makdhum alaiddin Malik Ibrahim Shah Johan sovereign as Sultan ruling in 365-402 H (976-1012 ad) of the dynasty makhdum Johan sovereign. 9. Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Mahmud Shah Johan sovereign, ruled in 402-450 H (1012-1059 ad). 10. Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Mansur Shah Johan sovereign, ruled in 450-470 H (1059-1078 ad). 11. Sultan makhdum alaiddin King Abdullah Shah Johan sovereign, ruled in 470-501 H (1078-1108 ad). 12. Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Ahmad Shah Johan sovereign, ruled in 501-527 H (1108-1134 ad). 13. Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Mahmud Shah II Johan sovereign, ruled in 527-552 H (1134-1158 ad). 14. Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Usman Shah Johan sovereign, ruled in 552-565 H (1158-1170 ad). 15. Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Muhammad Shah Johan sovereign, ruled in 565-592 H (1170-1196 ad). 16. Sultan makhdum alaiddin Abdul Jalil Shah Johan sovereign, ruled in 592-622 H (1196-1225 ad). 17. Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Muhammad Amen Shah II Johan sovereign, ruled in 622-662 H (1225-1263 ad). 18. Sultan makhdum alaiddin Malik Abdul Aziz Shah Johan sovereign, ruling in 662-692 H (1263-1292 ad). that's a brief history of one of the Kingdom of Islam in Indonesia according to historians the Kingdom of this is the kingdoms patterned Islam first in Indonesia. share: the history of the Kingdom of Islam perlak - Sumatra history of perlak Kingdom image image

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